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Assayer of Student Opinion.

The Prospector

Assayer of Student Opinion.

The Prospector

Assayer of Student Opinion.

The Prospector

New exhibit showcases art collection created by children in Tornillo

New exhibit showcases art collection created by children in Tornillo

Claudia Flores, Editor-in-Chief April 16, 2019

The UTEP Centennial Museum hosted a special reception Saturday, April 13, for its most recent exhibition “Uncaged Art,” an art collection created by the children who were held in the immigrant detention center in Tornillo, Texas. In June 2018, the...

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Both exhibits will be featured until Dec. 16 at the Centennial Museum.

‘Bracero Memories’ and ‘La Frontera’ showcase binational culture

Brianna Chavez, Contributor September 18, 2017

Two new art exhibits, “Bracero Memories” and “La Frontera: A Century of Division and Resistance,” opened over the weekend at the Centennial Museum. Both exhibits feature photographs, local artwork, artifacts, and oral history. While both exhibits...

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'Invertebrate Jaws' explores the jaws of creatures

‘Invertebrate Jaws’ explores the jaws of creatures

Julia Hettiger, Staff Reporter June 17, 2015

Many animals have bones and make their presence known, but there is a whole other world of boneless, invisible to the naked eye animals that roam this Earth. A UTEP professor has researched animals that are less than a millimeter long and that needed...

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UTEP Centennial Museum