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Assayer of Student Opinion.

The Prospector

Assayer of Student Opinion.

The Prospector

Assayer of Student Opinion.

The Prospector

Grecia Sánchez

All content by Grecia Sanchez
Jennifer Han (right) became El Paso’s first boxing world champion in front of 1,500 fans at Southwest University Park on Apr. 30, 2016.

Han returns to Haskins Center for the IBF featherweight title

Mike Flores, Reporter October 14, 2016

Han became the city’s first world championship fighter after defeating talented Nigerian boxer Helen Joseph on September 19th, 2015.   This weekend, Han will look to defend her championship belt, in her own hometown, for the second time...

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Latinos en contra de la retórica de Trump

Latinos en contra de la retórica de Trump

Grecia Sanchez, Staff Reporter October 11, 2016

Sergio Garcia-Rios, profesor de Gobierno y Estudios Latinos en la Universidad de Cornell, dio una conferencia en UTEP el pasado Miércoles, 5 de Octubre para hablar de su campaña “Love Trumps Hate”. Garcia, quien nació y se crió en Durango, México,...

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Basketball spotlight: Willms returns to the court

Basketball spotlight: Willms returns to the court

Mike Flores, Staff Reporter October 11, 2016

The Don Haskins Center will have one of the most anticipated returns with 7-foot-1 basketball center, Matt Willms, who missed the entire 2015-16 season due to surgery on his right foot. Willms is a junior from Ontario, Canada and played for Findlay....

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Departamento de becas no se preocupa por estudiantes internacionales

Departamento de becas no se preocupa por estudiantes internacionales

Grecia Sanchez, Staff Reporter October 4, 2016

Editors note: the quotes by Dodd and Mijares were translated from English to Spanish Actualmente, el Departamento de Becas de UTEP tiene disponibles 569 becas para más de 23,000 estudiantes en este semestre. De las 569 becas disponibles, 120 son solamente...

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UTEP rifle head coach Hannah Muegge (right) enters her second season as head coach for the Miners and has high goals for the coming years in the program.

Muegge targets success for rifle team

Mike Flores, Contributor October 4, 2016

The sport of rifling takes the form of a gem—they are rare to find on most campuses, and it takes a definitive, keen eye to have what it takes to excel in the sport. In fact, there are only 32 NCAA programs that hold a women’s rifle team, and the...

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UTEP student selected as an Archer Fellow in D.C.

UTEP student selected as an Archer Fellow in D.C.

Grecia Sanchez, Staff Reporter September 27, 2016

Kristian Villegas, a junior political science major, recently was selected for the Bill Archer Fellowship Program. The award offers juniors, seniors and graduate students the opportunity to receive first-hand networking and learning experiences in Washington...

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Applying for your future

Applying for your future

Grecia Sanchez, Staff Reporter September 20, 2016

The University Career Center will host its annual career fair on Sept. 22 at the Don Haskins Center, where approximately 125­-130 employers are available for students who are looking for a part-time or full-time position, or a summer internship. Associate...

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¿Es que acaso soy hispana?

Grecia Sanchez, Staff Reporter September 13, 2016

Defining  identity at an adolescent age can be a challenge, especially to those who are constantly interacting with a different culture than their own. I was born and raised in Ciudad Juàrez, Mexico. My first language is Spanish and my only label in...

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UTEP students completed 1,115,524 hours of volunteer experiences and service learning.

UTEP surpasses the one million mark for community service hours this year

Grecia Sanchez, Staff Reporter September 6, 2016

Last year, the Center of Civic Engagement from UTEP reached the million mark for community service. The 1,115,542 hours completed by UTEP students was calculated based on volunteer experiences and service learning. Casandra Reyes is a graduate assistant...

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Fans de Juan Gabriel fuera de su casa.

Homenaje al Divo de Juárez

Grecia Sanchez, News Reporter September 5, 2016

PHOTOS: Las cenizas del artista mexicano Juan Gabriel se trasladaron a Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua el sábado, 3 de septiembre con motivo de acudir a la misa y homenaje a este cantautor. El lugar del evento fue a lo largo de la Avenida 16 de Septiembre...

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College Assistant Migrant Program awarded $2.1 million

College Assistant Migrant Program awarded $2.1 million

Rene Delgadillo and Grecia Sanchez August 30, 2016

UTEP was awarded a five-year grant of $2.1 million from the U.S. Department of Education to help students who come from migrant and seasonal farm worker families to better accommodate them in the college life experience. The College Assistance Migrant...

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A mosquito with Zika virus.

Taking a stab at the problem

Grecia Sanchez, Staff Reporter August 23, 2016

The opportunity for Zika to spread in the El Paso community came on Monday, Aug. 15, from a man who had traveled from Florida to El Paso. It is confirmed by El Paso Public Health Director Robert Resendes. According to a press release, the man does not...

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The El Paso Streetcar Project will bring streetcars from downtown up to the Don Haskins Center.

Streetcar project takes Oregon Street

Grecia Sanchez, Staff Reporter June 14, 2016

For over 30 years, El Paso’s streetcars have been stored at El Paso International Airport. Now they are in the process of being restored as a $97-million dollar grant will bring the streetcar system back to El Paso. The three streetcars will travel...

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Marc Cox, Ph.D., associate professor at UTEP’s Department of Biological Sciences, holds his 2016 Texas Inventor of the Year awards.

UTEP professor wins Texas Inventor of the Year award

Grecia Sanchez, Contributor June 7, 2016

The Intellectual Property Committee of the State Bar of Texas awarded the 2016 Texas Inventor of the Year to Marc Cox, Ph.D., associate professor at the University of Texas at El Paso’s Department of Biological Sciences. The prestigious award was given...

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Audience members enjoy the show at StreetFest 2015.

StreetFest Returning to Downtown El Paso

Gloria Heredia, Contributer June 7, 2016

The annual StreetFest will be back in downtown El Paso on June 17 and 18. On this 15th year of the festival the lineup features the bands Neon Trees, Seether, Collective Soul and The Goo Goo Dolls among others. Veronica Hernandez, live events manager...

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Newly elected SGA President Sergio Baltazar is sworn in on May 20th at the Hoover House.

New members of SGA sworn in

Grecia Sanchez, Contributor May 22, 2016

President Diana Natalicio and newly elected members of the Student Government Association, along with their families, gathered Friday, May 20, at the Hoover House to celebrate their searing-in ceremony. Natalicio and Sergio Baltazar, the new SGA...

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Up All Night will take place at the Union Building East on Tuesday May 10. Around 60 to 70 volunteers are preparing to hand out midnight breakfast.

Union prepares for Up All Night

Gloria Heredia, Contributor May 3, 2016

With finals next week, the Office of Student Life along with the Division of Student Affairs will be hosting Midnight Breakfast: Up All Night, a semi-annual UTEP tradition. The event will take place on Tuesday, May 10 at the Union East building. Jaime...

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Students prepare for the annual Student Juried Art Exhibit hosted by the Stanlee and Gerald Rubin Center for Visual Arts. This year’s exhibit will run from May 6 to August 5.

Students enter the annual Juried UTEP Student Art Exhibition

Gloria Heredia, Staff Reporter April 26, 2016

Each year, The Stanlee and Gerald Rubin Center for Visual Arts hosts its annual Student Juried Art Exhibit that highlights the artwork designed and produced by art majors. This year, the exhibit will begin on May 6 and will run until August 6. The finalists...

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Students participate in Laughter Yoga, one of the workshops available at the Women's Conference on Wednesday and Thursday.

Close to 500 attend 6th annual Women’s History Month Conference

Rene Delgadillo and Gloria Heredia April 8, 2016

The sixth annual Women’s History Month Conference was held on Wednesday and Thursday at the UTEP Student Union. With over 60 panels and workshops, the conference covered different topics surrounding women’s issues on a national and local level. Interim...

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Out of the 23,000-student population, on average only 3,000 students vote in SGA elections.

SGA elections fast approaching–voter turnout an issue

Gloria Heredia, Staff Reporter April 5, 2016

On April 18, candidates running for an office for the Student Government Association will be announced at 7 a.m. and they will be campaigning for the rest of that week. Traffic court justice and junior criminal justice major, Kristian Villegas, said...

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Juice It!, located inside the Student Recreation Center will be shutting down on April 19 due to plans to extend the weight room.

Students sign petition to keep Juice It! open

Gloria Heredia, Staff Reporter March 29, 2016

Many students on campus are collecting petitions to keep Juice It! in the Student Recreation Center. The establishment will be shutting down on April 19 due to plans to extend the weight room, according to Chef Alex Benitez of Juice It! Moises Quiroz,...

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A student demonstrates the dangers of drinking and driving.

Uber safe alternative for spring break

Gloria Heredia, Contributor March 1, 2016

Some students plan to use Uber during the week of spring break festivities since they plan on drinking. Uber Technologies Inc. is an American multinational online taxi dispatch company that began in California in 2009 and started up in El Paso in June...

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Grecia Sanchez