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Assayer of Student Opinion.

The Prospector

Assayer of Student Opinion.

The Prospector

Assayer of Student Opinion.

The Prospector

Dr. Russell R. Chianelli is the first UTEP professor to be named an NAI fellow, the highest professional honor awarded to academic inventors.

UTEP Professor named National Academy of Inventors Fellow

Brianna Chavez, Copy Editor December 19, 2018

A UTEP professor is one of 148 inventors to be selected as a fellow for the National Academy of Inventors (NAI). Dr. Russell R. Chianelli is the first UTEP professor to be named an NAI fellow, the highest professional honor awarded to academic inventors. Chianelli...

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The Miners celebrate their win against the UC Riverside Highlanders at the Don Haskins Center on Saturday, Dec. 16.

UTEP defeats UC Riverside after break for finals

Daniel Mendez, Sports Editor December 16, 2018

The UTEP men’s basketball team defeated the UC Riverside Highlanders, 68-56, at the Don Haskins Center on Sunday, Dec. 16, after a 12 day break for finals. UTEP improved to 4-5 on the season behind a...

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Kids who spent time in Tent City write this message to the new kids who will be spending time at Tent City.

O’Rourke leads delegation to Tornillo’s Tent City

Gaby Velasquez, Photo Editor December 15, 2018

The community gathers one more time at the Tornillo Port of Entry on Saturday morning, Dec. 15, to bring an end to Tent City, which is holding minors who arrived to the border unaccompanied. U.S. Rep. Beto O'Rourke (D-TX 16),  led a delegation to...

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iFLY prepares to make El Paso fly

iFLY prepares to make El Paso fly

Valeria Olivares, Contributor December 9, 2018

iFLY Indoor Skydiving invited the El Paso community to join them as they held their topping up ceremony on Wednesday, Dec. 5, where they introduced the concept of indoor skydiving. Bill Adams, iFLY El Paso’s co-owner said in a statement, "We're thrilled...

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My farewell

My farewell

Itzel Lara, Senior Designer December 3, 2018

My last semester is finally here. It seems like it was yesterday when I walked through the Union for the first time. I remember watching students dressed in their cap and gown taking graduation pictures at Centennial Plaza and now I am one of them. The...

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In May President Natalicio announced she will be retiring after 30 years as UTEP president.

Presidential search process continues moving forward ‘as scheduled’

Brianna Chavez, Staff Reporter December 3, 2018

The search process for UTEP’s next president to succeed Dr. Diana Natalicio is “moving forward as scheduled,” according to the University of Texas System. In late August, the UT System announced a search advisory committee was put together to help...

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Matt Luna became chronically homeless at 27, but is now realigning his life by working and studying.

Homelessness a prevalent issue among college students

Andrea Valdez-Rivas, Staff Reporter December 3, 2018

The average college student worries about deadlines, exams, projects and all that comes along with being a student. Many students at UTEP can maintain their standards in school on account of the privilege of living with family, roommates or a stable...

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The Prospector staff in collaboration.

Tips for college students pursuing a career in journalism

Javier Cortez, Copy Editor December 3, 2018

Things You Have To Come To Grips With You are going to get paid like shit. Depending on what subset of the industry you go into, whether it be broadcast, print or multimedia, entry-level jobs do not pay well. If you can’t accept the fact that you will...

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So long everyone!

So long everyone!

Javier Cortez, Copy Editor December 3, 2018

Working at a college newspaper can suck. The hours are long, the deadlines are short and the pay is almost non-existent. I would not describe The Prospector—a place I have worked on and off for five years—as a fun job. But I would recommend it to...

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Closing time: A goodbye from a sports guy

Closing time: A goodbye from a sports guy

Adrian Broaddus, Web Editor December 3, 2018

Ten straight semesters, three and a half years. Oh boy, what a ride it’s been. The first day I stepped foot into The Prospector’s office, I was an eager kid with a folder containing my resume and application to turn in. It was my first day of freshman...

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On Thursday, Dec. 6, the Hal Marcus Gallery will open its first inaugural annual Latina Arte exhibition

Latina Arte Exhibition set to take place at the Hal Marcus Gallery

Alexia Nava, Staff Reporter December 3, 2018

On Thursday, Dec. 6, the Hal Marcus Gallery will open its inaugural Latina Arte exhibition, the longest exhibition ever held at the gallery, featuring the artwork of several local Latina artists. Hal Marcus, the gallery’s owner, who has been a professional...

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Katie Harding in character during the 2016 'Westside Story' UTEP Dinner Theater production.

‘The House that Martha Built’ a final show by UTEP senior Katie Harding

Claudia Flores, Multimedia Editor December 3, 2018

As finals week approaches, for UTEP student, Katie Harding, it means taking a closer step to graduation and the plans that come after. As part of the Liberal Arts Honors Program, Harding is required to do an independent study for her last semester....

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