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Assayer of Student Opinion.

The Prospector

Assayer of Student Opinion.

The Prospector

Assayer of Student Opinion.

The Prospector

Balancing art and truth

Balancing art and truth

Gaby Velasquez, Photo Editor April 23, 2018

For the longest time I have felt stuck between my passion for photojournalism and my passion for art. I never thought I was a good writer, or liked to write at all, but I really liked to capture life and showcase everyday people and their emotions to...

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‘Fortnine’ engulfs the video game world

‘Fortnine’ engulfs the video game world

Adrian Broaddus, Copy Editor April 16, 2018

Developers have long attempted to make a video game suitable for a popular audience that can sustain novelty and become a trend-heavy game, yet be simple enough for anyone to play. “Fortnite Battle Royale” has swept the nation in becoming one of...

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A society fueled by plastic

A society fueled by plastic

Christian Vasquez and April 16, 2018

Plastic or paper? What used to be a common phrase is now only used at “natural” and “organic” grocery stores in El Paso, and is only asked where consumers can afford to think about the environment, which is a shame because that question is more...

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Health is the key skill in sports

Health is the key skill in sports

Mike Flores, Staff Reporter April 10, 2018

All sports require skill. Skills that allow players to hit 50 home runs per season, the skill to score 30 points per game in basketball, the ability to throw the furthest and hit the hardest, but just like those capabilities, staying healthy is a skill...

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Health comes first

Health comes first

Claudia Flores, Entertainment Editor April 9, 2018

With the responsibility of being a full-time student, having a job and other responsibilities at home, there is little to no time to take a break and go to the gym.   During my first two years in college, I had plenty of time to go to the gym...

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I’m here for a good time, not a long time

I’m here for a good time, not a long time

Jake Deven, Contributor April 9, 2018

We all have at least one friend or acquaintance who is constantly posting on social media about how great they feel when “eating clean” and how guilty they feel from their “cheat meals” or the classic post-gym selfie. If you’re like me, you...

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Multimedia editor, Rene Delgadillo, takes his morning antidepressant before heading over to class.

You’re mentally stronger when you seek support

Rene Delgadillo, Multimedia Editor April 9, 2018

My depression and anxiety have consumed me for years, but for the longest time I never took any type of action that would help me overcome the constant thoughts of sadness, loneliness, guilt and suicide. For years, I struggled on my own. I never told...

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Can college basketball be saved?

Can college basketball be saved?

Adrian Broaddus, Copy Editor April 2, 2018

Men’s college basketball is currently a crashing plane that’s about to burst in flames. It will be up to NCAA President Mark Emmert to save the state of college hoops as we know it, but is it too late? With the distractions of the Final Four coming...

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Gloria Trevi should not be allowed to tour

Gloria Trevi should not be allowed to tour

Jason Green, Contributor April 2, 2018

On Wednesday night, Mexican pop star Gloria Trevi will perform at the Don Haskins Center on UTEP’s campus as part of the Gloria Trevi vs. Alejandra Guzman Tour. Ten hours away, former Telemundo El Paso multimedia journalist Karina Yapor will probably...

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An experience of a lifetime

An experience of a lifetime

Adrian Broaddus, Copy Editor April 2, 2018

I had a seven-and-a-half hour drive to think about where I am in my life and what my journey to San Antonio meant. I, along with Jeremy Carranco and Mikey Flores, two seasoned student sports writers, made a special weekend trip to San Antonio for the...

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The Chihuahuas brand has executed a positive culture change in El Paso

The Chihuahuas brand has executed a positive culture change in El Paso

Isaiah Ramirez, Contributor March 27, 2018

The Chihuahuas, Triple-A affiliate to the San Diego Padres came to the city of El Paso in 2014 and has taken over the city in many aspects, whether that is with their stellar play and league championships or just the sheer mention of the name of Chihuahuas. ...

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How Supreme turned into the monster it is today

How Supreme turned into the monster it is today

Adrian Broaddus, Copy Editor March 26, 2018

James Jebbia’s goal in 1994 was to open up a skater-oriented apparel store in New York City for the sole purpose of selling clothes and skateboards. A little over two decades into its existence, Jebbia’s Supreme clothing brand has emerged as the...

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