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Assayer of Student Opinion.

The Prospector

Assayer of Student Opinion.

The Prospector

Assayer of Student Opinion.

The Prospector

Here's how Cleveland beats Golden State in the NBA Finals

Here’s how Cleveland beats Golden State in the NBA Finals

Isaiah Ramirez, Contributor May 31, 2018

For the fourth year in a row it will be the Golden State Warriors taking on the Cleveland Cavaliers in the NBA championship, but the road to get here was quite different for both teams coming into the title game. Both the Warriors and the Cavaliers are...

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Five ways the Golden State Warriors get back-to-back NBA titles

Five ways the Golden State Warriors get back-to-back NBA titles

Daniel Mendez, Sports Reporter May 30, 2018

On Thursday, May 31, we get the fourth installment of NBA’s modern day rivalry, as the Cleveland Cavaliers face off against the Golden State Warriors, or better known as the defending champions. Below are five ways that the Warriors go back to back...

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A farewell to the best of times and the Prospector

A farewell to the best of times and the Prospector

Jeremy Carranco, Sports Editor April 30, 2018

Through four years of sleepless nights, either studying or staring at my phone for countless hours, to life-saving coffee breaks or making bad decisions on Cincinnati Street—the memories from my time as a student at UTEP will always have a special place...

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Goodbye UTEP and Prospy and thanks for the journalistic adventure

Goodbye UTEP and Prospy and thanks for the journalistic adventure

Aylin Tafoya, Contributor April 30, 2018

I’ve always been one to take the initiative in order to keep advancing in life, and one to look at other alternatives rather than giving up. Much like how journalists have been doing for a long time. Becoming a journalist is my dream. It’s a dream...

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What I learned at UTEP

What I learned at UTEP

Alejandra González, Layout Editor April 30, 2018

All my life, I grew up with this idea of going to college, dedicating myself to education and being able to take the necessary steps to form a career that would guide me to success. But now that I really am taking that step forward, I realize how naïve...

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Graduating as the worst honors student

Graduating as the worst honors student

Paulette Villa, Intern April 30, 2018

This last semester on the day before spring break, my friend invited me to go visit our old high school because she and other UTEP students had to give a presentation on how to attend college to the parents of students in the English as a Second Language...

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Saying goodbye to being a UTEP student and my job at the Prospector

Saying goodbye to being a UTEP student and my job at the Prospector

Ashley Muñoz, Work-study April 30, 2018

I would first like to thank everyone for the opportunity to work with The Prospector. It has been an amazing four years with Student Media & Publications and UTEP. Over the years, the department has allowed me to grow as both a student and as an...

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My best decision in college

My best decision in college

Mike Flores, Staff Reporter April 30, 2018

When I first became a college student, I had no idea what was in store for me. I didn’t even know what I wanted to major in. All my friends were really passionate about what field they decided to go into  and I never thought I would feel that way about...

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I’ll miss it and I’m sad it's over

I’ll miss it and I’m sad it’s over

Rene Delgadillo, Multimedia Editor April 30, 2018

There was a moment in my life where I was about to drop out of college because I felt it was not going to be worth it. I was getting tired of being enrolled in courses that were not helping me learn a damn thing about my career. I applied at The Prospector...

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The best college job I could have asked for

The best college job I could have asked for

Michaela Román, Editor-In-Chief April 30, 2018

College is what I did in between being an editor at The Prospector. Shaking caffeinated hands with bags so heavy under my eyes I could almost feel their weight. It was a Monday. But not just a typical Monday of classes, or a 9 to 5 job. No, another...

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With a heavy push for STEM studies, don’t forget the arts

With a heavy push for STEM studies, don’t forget the arts

Jake Deven, Staff reporter April 23, 2018

Imagine a world without artists—a world without literature, philosophy, history, music and linguistics. It’s a gray, gloomy world, and one that is becoming more of a reality every year. In an era fixated with science, technology and data, the humanities...

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Paper news print pile newspapers print media pile of newspapers

The Prospector stands with #SaveStudentNewspapers

The Prospector Editors April 23, 2018

We understand it’s no secret that student publications across the nation are in jeopardy now more than ever. The implementation of digital media throughout the globe has made picking up a newspaper seem less important, being that news can now be found...

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