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Assayer of Student Opinion.

The Prospector

Assayer of Student Opinion.

The Prospector

Assayer of Student Opinion.

The Prospector

Voting numbers grow across the Sun City

Voting numbers grow across the Sun City

Adrian Broaddus, Web Editor October 29, 2018

On Saturday, El Paso County broke the entire 2014 voter turnout with 3,766 early votes cast, bringing the total past 82,650. With almost a week left of early voting and Election Day still to come, El Paso has shattered previous numbers for early voting...

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Blackface is absolutely wrong

Blackface is absolutely wrong

Catherine Ramirez, Contributor October 29, 2018

With Halloween coming up it is important to remember that dressing in blackface is never OK and that includes Halloween costumes; talk show host Megyn Kelly learned the hard way. The “Megyn Kelly Today” show was canceled after the host, v made some...

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More of the same thing

More of the same thing

Javier Cortez, Copy Editor October 8, 2018

It’s over. Judge Brett M. Kavanaugh, finally, although fiercely disputed and debated, was confirmed to the Supreme Court this past weekend. The confirmation capped a near month-long circus act that once again highlighted the deepening divide that continues...

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Our civic duty

Our civic duty

Andrea Valdez-Rivas, Reporter October 2, 2018

In recent weeks, Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh has been accused by three women, one of them being, Dr. Christine Blasey Ford, of sexual misconduct. That’s right, a nominee for the Supreme Court. As she sat before the Senate committee last...

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“Dos de Octubre no se olvida”

“Dos de Octubre no se olvida”

Alexia Nava, Contributor October 2, 2018

El año es 1968, un año en una década en la cual  ocurrieron muchas cosas. En el caso de Estados Unidos, los años sesenta fueron la época del movimiento de los derechos civiles. En 1968, fueron asesinados los líderes de ese movimiento, Martin...

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There are no heroes today

There are no heroes today

Javier Cortez, Copy Editor September 25, 2018

I remember it like it was 3,612 days ago. I was sitting in the living room with my mother as I watched then Senator from Illinois, Barack Obama, become 44th President of the United States of America. I don’t remember the channel it was on, what...

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Separated families are still separated

Separated families are still separated

Catherine Ramirez, Contributor September 25, 2018

It’s been over 80 days since the Reunification Deadline and the federal shelters, where migrant children are being held, are near capacity. There are 12,800 migrant children being held in federal facilities in the U.S. waiting to be united with...

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The freshmen buzz is here

The freshmen buzz is here

Victoria Garcia, Contributor September 17, 2018

Taking my first steps into a whole new experience at UTEP as a freshman was both exhilarating and nerve wracking. My life was off to a fresh start where decision making would definitely come into play—this time it would be my choice to make all the...

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College is anything but free

College is anything but free

Oscar Avila, Contributor September 17, 2018

Transitioning from high school to college is one of the biggest changes in a person’s life. First and foremost, balancing a full-time schedule is not easy, and it’s even easier to lose track of priorities. However, the whole experience is something...

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Chihuahuas historic season comes to a close

Adrian Broaddus, Web Editor September 11, 2018

In an underwhelming finish to the season, the Fresno Grizzlies beat out the El Paso Chihuahuas 10-1 on Sunday night to win the Pacific Conference title. Fresno took the first two games of the series at  Southwest University Park before the Chihuahuas...

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An ode to Malcolm James McCormick

An ode to Malcolm James McCormick

Adrian Broaddus, Web Editor September 11, 2018

Remember EZ Mac? He was a 14-year-old kid out of Pittsburgh and one third of The Ill Spoken. Rap happened to be out of chance for him. He always wanted to be a singer. Malcolm James McCormick was raised  Jewish and was the self-proclaimed “coolest...

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Please remember Don Haskins

Please remember Don Haskins

Javier Cortez, Copy Editor September 11, 2018

Popularity does not always equate to substance. Success does not always represent greatness. And true character is rarely shown for all it’s worth in the light. Don Haskins had substance. Don Haskins was great. And Don Haskins had character—for...

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