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Assayer of Student Opinion.

The Prospector

Assayer of Student Opinion.

The Prospector

Assayer of Student Opinion.

The Prospector

OPINION: Living the same nightmare twice

OPINION: Living the same nightmare twice

Maria Salette Ontiveros, Contributor May 8, 2020

The Spanish flu pandemic of 1918, the deadliest in history, infected about one-third of the planet’s population and killed an estimated 20-50 million victims, including some 675,000 Americans, according to  The city of El Paso has closed churches and schools, banned public...

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OPINION: Managing a mental illness while in self-quarantine

OPINION: Managing a mental illness while in self-quarantine

Margaret Cataldi, Staff Reporter April 15, 2020

Four weeks ago, before everything got canceled, before we were all ordered to stay inside and before life seemingly came to a sudden halt, I welcomed and even hoped for the possibility of a countrywide lockdown. I saw it as an opportunity to destress...

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LETTER TO THE EDITOR: ‘Listen to women, give credit to women and create space for women’

LETTER TO THE EDITOR: ‘Listen to women, give credit to women and create space for women’

April 13, 2020

To the editor, Last week, as you all may have realized, our social media was flooded with Canva-made advertisements and Instagram was as live as a music festival with Q and A’s of the candidates running to represent you in the next Student...

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Local and online resources during time of unease

Local and online resources during time of unease

Sasha Minjarez and Sven Kline March 30, 2020

In the wake of COVID-19, the community is banding together to cope with the necessary transitions everyone is suddenly facing. All over El Paso, individuals, community organizations and local government programs have begun to do their part in aiding the...

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A home office is a space designated in a person's residence for official business purposes.

Opinion: Essential habits for working from home

Margaret Cataldi, Staff Reporter March 30, 2020

With all the chaos surrounding COVID-19, many institutions have started operating remotely from home. For those fortunate enough to keep their job amidst this global pandemic, the new work-from-home format might seem like a win at first, especially for...

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Opinion: Borderland dwellers, if you can stay home, do

Opinion: Borderland dwellers, if you can stay home, do

Maria Salette Ontiveros, Contributor March 30, 2020

On March 24, the World Health Organization categorized the country of Mexico in phase 2 of 3 in the COVID-19, or coronavirus, pandemic, changing everything for its residents.   Up until this week many Ciudad Juárez residents have not taken...

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Letter from the editor: Reporting during drastic changes

Letter from the editor: Reporting during drastic changes

Valeria Olivares, Editor in Chief March 19, 2020

For more coverage on COVID-19 and its impact on UTEP, El Paso, the state and the nation, visit The Prospector's Coronavirus page. Dear Miners,  The entire world has been thrown into chaos, and we are all slowly adjusting. Dealing with a pandemic, the...

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UTEP’s Parking and Transportation Services.

The shuttle system at UTEP has a lot to improve

Sven Kline, Contributor March 9, 2020

As a UTEP student, I always find myself pondering what is more worth it: the $360 parking or the free, remote parking. A factor that always comes into play during this internal debate is UTEP’s Miner Metro (MM) shuttle system.   You can arrive...

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‘¿Qué no ves cómo están las cosas?’

‘¿Qué no ves cómo están las cosas?’

Maria Ramos, Contributor March 2, 2020

El fin de semana pasado viajé a visitar a mi familia en Chihuahua, México. Crucé la frontera y tomé un carro colectivo que me llevó hasta mi casa. Después de haber tenido una semana muy larga, me quedé dormida todo el camino, con mi teléfono en...

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The 1966 NCAA Championship Texas Western team poses with trophy March 19, 1966.

OPINION: 1966 NCAA Championship shaped UTEP’s Legacy

Michael Cuviello, Sports Editor February 24, 2020

As Black History Month rolls into its final week, UTEP students should be aware of the legacy that their University has on college basketball.    On March 19, 1966, the Miners became the first NCAA team to have a starting lineup consisting of all...

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The illustration, titled “Fragile,” is Qinni’s last post on Instagram. About a week later, Ze Han, her brother posted an image with a caption that reads, “Qinni (Qing Han) has passed away suddenly on 8 February, 2020. Her journey, however, has not ended. We begin a new chapter of continuing her legacy and her memory. There will be more to come on this page. As a reminder, and as a member of family, please be respectful of our privacy at this time. Thank you for being part of this journey. She will forever remain living through her artwork.”

OPINION: Fragile Flower immortalized through her art

Teddy Baylón, Layout Editor February 24, 2020

Art has been part of my life ever since I could pick up a pencil. It’s as if the different media to create art runs through my veins, firing synapses throughout my body. I find beauty within every glimpse of the world I take, whether it is good or bad.    Whether...

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OPINIÓN: Cosas que aprendí vendiendo lencería

OPINIÓN: Cosas que aprendí vendiendo lencería

Alexia X. Nava Carmona, Copy Editor February 17, 2020

No sabía lo complicado que era comprar la ropa interior adecuada hasta que el verano pasado trabajé vendiendo lencería en un local pequeño llamado Coco’s Miel, ubicado en el Río Grande Mall de Ciudad Juárez, México.   Fuera de...

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