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Assayer of Student Opinion.

The Prospector

Assayer of Student Opinion.

The Prospector

Assayer of Student Opinion.

The Prospector

The Interdisciplinary Research Building’s construction continues unhindered

The Interdisciplinary Research Building’s construction continues unhindered

Valeria Olivares, Reporter February 26, 2019

The Interdisciplinary Research Building (IDRB), located behind the Undergraduate Learning Center (UGLC) and bumping against Sun Bowl Drive, is currently on schedule due to a lack of setbacks, according to UTEP officials. “I know that other buildings...

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People celebrate Black History Month at a parade Saturday Feb. 23rd.

El Pasoans gather for Black History Month.

Valeria Olivares, Reporter February 25, 2019

People from El Paso came together to celebrate Black History Month at a parade that started on the corner of Montana Street and Pershing Street on Saturday, Feb. 23. People followed the parade as it made its way to Mary Webb Park in order to start...

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The Border Network for Human Rights hosts the Silent March: Communities Against Declaration of War at Downtown El Paso.

Silent march in El Paso

Claudia Hernandez, Photo Editor February 24, 2019

El Pasoans gathered to silently march for the communities against Donald Trump and the declaration of war. The march took place at San Jacinto Plaza in downtown El Paso, Saturday, Feb. 23. Over 200 people participated in the march which started at San...

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Monday, Feb. 18, Dr. Diana Natalicio and members of the UTEP faculty at the Union Lounge before the opening of the exhibit "My tenure in t-shirts" at the Union Gallery.

T-shirt exhibit represents 30 years of Dr. Natalicio

Daniel Mendez, Web Editor February 19, 2019

President Dr. Diana Natalicio has 450 UTEP T-shirts. She and the university decided to honor her 30 years at the helm by displaying her personal collection of T-shirts in an exhibit called “My Tenure in T-shirts” on the second floor of the Union East...

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UTEP Professor Igor C. Almeida, Ph.D., is leading an almost 30-year research project that aims to discover a better treatment, as well as a vaccine, for Chagas disease.

Research aims for new vaccine, treatment for Chagas disease

Alexia X. Nava Carmona, Reporter February 19, 2019

UTEP Professor Igor C. Almeida, Ph.D., is leading an almost 30-year research project that aims to discover a better treatment, as well as a vaccine, for Chagas disease. Chagas disease, named after the Brazilian physician Carlos Chagas, who discovered...

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Creative writing professors inducted to TIL

Creative writing professors inducted to TIL

Maria Ramos Pacheco, Contributor February 19, 2019

Two faculty members in UTEP’s Creative Writing Department were inducted into the Texas Institute of Letters (TIL), a nonprofit honor society that recognizes and celebrates literature in Texas: Associate Professor Rosa Alcala, Ph.D., and Assistant Professor...

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Professor Eva Moya is the new elected president for ALLSWE

Eva Moya: A social worker changes her commuity

Glenda Avalos, Contributor February 19, 2019

Associate Professor of Social Work Eva Moya, Ph.D., recently achieved a great accomplishment in her career. She was elected president of the Association of Latina/Latino Social Work Educators (ALLSWE) in November 2018. Over the course of her career,...

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Movement Mujeres launches fellowship for women of color in Texas

Movement Mujeres launches fellowship for women of color in Texas

Valeria Olivares, Reporter February 19, 2019

Movement Mujeres announced its inaugural fellowship class of 25 women from Texas who will be part of a two-year training and mentorship program that began Feb. 6. “Being part of Movement Mujeres will help me turn my thoughts into actions and not only...

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Photo by Noah Sarabia
Mark Lewis, spokesperson for Lockheed Martin, stands in the Undergraduate Learning Center in front of the challenge box, which offers students a series of questions. The fourth question is the most difficult, which offers a prize of a letter of intent for hire by the company.

Lockheed Martin presents ‘job interview in a box’ on campus through Wednesday

February 18, 2019

By Noah Sarabia The Prospector Lockheed Martin hosted a challenge to UTEP students on the first floor of the Undergraduate Learning Center Monday, Feb. 18. The top prize is a letter of intent for hire by the company. The challenge consisted of...

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El Paso County and BNHR file lawsuit against President Donald Trump

El Paso County and BNHR file lawsuit against President Donald Trump

Claudia Flores, Editor in chief February 16, 2019

As President Donald Trump declared a national emergency to receive funding for the border wall. The Border Network for the Human Rights (BNHR) and El Paso county filed a lawsuit against the president’s declaration. "This is a declaration of war against...

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President Natalicio addresses the media in accordance with the news of her retirement on Tuesday, May 22 at the President's Office.

List of possible candidates to become UTEP’s next President makes way to UT Board of Regents

Brianna Chavez, Copy Editor February 13, 2019

The search for UTEP's newest president is making progress. A list of possible candidates has made its way to the UT System Board of Regents. In a special meeting via telephone conference call Wednesday, Feb. 13, the UT System Board of Regents discussed...

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Black History Month: A celebration for equality to African Americans

Black History Month: A celebration for equality to African Americans

Glenda Avalos, Contributor February 13, 2019

In celebration of Black History Month, The African American Studies Program and Black Student Union held a lecture with  Professor Beverly Guy-Sheftall a recognized scholar and director of the Women’s Research Center and Anna Julia Cooper Professor...

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