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Assayer of Student Opinion.

The Prospector

Assayer of Student Opinion.

The Prospector

Assayer of Student Opinion.

The Prospector

Students protest against UTEP president sole finalist, Heather Wilson March 27, at Centennial Plaza.

‘Withdraw Wilson’ protest at Centennial Plaza

Claudia Flores, Editor-in-chief March 28, 2019

As part of the #UTEPDeservesBetter movement, students gathered at Centennial Plaza March 27, to protest against UTEP president sole finalist Heather Wilson. Wilson will return to the UTEP campus on Thursday, March 28, according to the University of...

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Dr. Heather Wilson, U.S. Secretary of the Air Force and sole finalist for UTEP presidency, visited the UTEP campus and addressed the media on Monday, March 11.

UTEP President finalist Heather Wilson to return to UTEP Thursday

Brianna Chavez, Copy Editor March 26, 2019

Dr. Heather Wilson, sole finalist for the UTEP president will return to the UTEP campus on Thursday, March 28, according to the University of Texas System. This will be her second visit to El Paso since being named the sole finalist March 8. Wilson,...

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#UTEPDeservesBetter movement demands a better candidate

#UTEPDeservesBetter movement demands a better candidate

Glenda Avalos, Contributor March 26, 2019

After the University of Texas System Board of Regents unanimously selected Dr. Heather Wilson as the finalist for the next president of University of Texas at El Paso, concerns were brought to light by current UTEP students and alumni. The decision has...

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Border challenges increase due to migrant influx

Border challenges increase due to migrant influx

Valeria Olivares, Reporter March 26, 2019

The southwest border of the United States has encountered a record increase in the amount of unauthorized entries of migrant families, presenting significant challenges to the border region as various organizations struggle to deal with the influx. According...

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Ph.D., civil engineering student, Okan Gurbuz and civil engineering professor Kelvin Cheu, Ph.D., are working in a research project to develop tools to assist parking offices for universities nationwide.

Civil engineering student, professor seek to find parking solutions

Claudia Flores, Editor-in-chief March 15, 2019

In an attempt to find solutions to parking shortages, doctoral civil engineering student Okan Gurbuz and civil engineering professor Kelvin Cheu, Ph.D., are working on a research project to develop tools to assist parking offices at universities nationwide. The...

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UTEP Student Government Association hears student concerns on president pick

UTEP Student Government Association hears student concerns on president pick

Glenda Avalos, Contributor March 15, 2019

UTEP's Student Government Association held an open forum meeting Thursday evening at Union East room 313 to hear concerns over the University of Texas Board of Regents unanimous choice of Dr. Heather Wilson as finalist for UTEP president announced March...

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Beto O'Rourke runs for president in 2020

Beto O’Rourke runs for president in 2020

Claudia Flores, Editor-in-chief March 14, 2019

El Pasoan and former congressmen, Beto O’Rourke is running for president. O’Rourke made the announcement early Thursday morning on his official Twitter account announcing his candidacy. "I want to be president because I feel that we can bring...

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Hotel Paisano is a great place for students on a budget to get away to in Marfa, Texas for spring break.

Spring break getaways on a budget

Valeria Olivares, Reporter March 12, 2019

With one week left until spring break, time and distance are always a priority for a quick getaway to visit a new panorama. Here are some options for the perfect getaway on a budget. Ciudad Juárez, Mexico Although it might seem obvious, Ciudad Juárez...

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A student demonstrates the dangers of drinking and driving.

Safety tips for Travel

Oscar Avila, Reporter March 12, 2019

Road trips are definitely something to look forward to when spring break comes around. However, there are a lot of risks to consider when setting out on lengthy journey. To help you get to your destination safely, the National Highway Traffic Safety Association...

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Dr. Heather Wilson, U.S. Secretary of the Air Force and sole finalist for UTEP presidency, visited the UTEP campus and addressed the media on Monday, March 11.

Sole finalist for UTEP presidency, Heather Wilson, visits university

Brianna Chavez, Copy Editor March 11, 2019

The UT System Board of Regents unanimously selected Secretary of the U.S. Air Force Dr. Heather Wilson as the sole finalist for the position of UTEP president Friday, March 8. Over the weekend, Wilson traveled to El Paso and met with Mayor Dee Margo,...

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Students protest against Heather Wilson at UTEP

Protest arises from Heather Wilson’s visit

Valeria Olivares, Reporter March 11, 2019

Students and faculty gathered to protest UTEP’s succeeding president as the sole finalist held a press conference within the university’s campus. “We are here, gathering, to express our concern and to ask for the withdrawal of Heather Wilson...

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U.S. Secretary of the Air Force, Heather Wilson, has been selected to succeed Dr. Diana Natalicio as UTEP president. (Photo courtesy of the U.S. Department of Defense.)

UTEP president finalist attracts opposition

Valeria Olivares, Reporter March 11, 2019

A petition opposing the Texas Board of Regents’ sole finalist for UTEP president has raked up more than 4,000 signatures. The Borderland Rainbow Center in El Paso’s president, Cristina Calvillo-Rivera, launched the campaign against President Diana...

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