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Assayer of Student Opinion.

The Prospector

Assayer of Student Opinion.

The Prospector

Assayer of Student Opinion.

The Prospector

Grateful for these moments

Grateful for these moments

Brianna Chavez, Copy Editor May 7, 2019

Exhausting, stressful, but exciting. Those are the words I would use to describe my time at The Prospector. I walked into the Student Media and Publications office during the summer of 2017, not knowing what I was getting myself into, but I knew if...

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Vania Castillo strides into the future

Vania Castillo strides into the future

Valeria Olivares, Reporter May 7, 2019

UTEP student Vania Castillo begins to blur the line between her college career and her future as a journalist as she takes part in the VICE Fellowship for Collegiate Reporting. The fellowship was created in early January of the present year. After VICE...

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See you later, UTEP

See you later, UTEP

Milou Pietersz, Advertising Coordinator May 7, 2019

Three years ago, I transferred from Nicholls State University to the University of Texas at El Paso. I transferred looking for more opportunities as a student-athlete and academically. Without a doubt, I can say that all of these wishes were fulfilled....

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Leadership Award recipient is devoted to UTEP community, leadership

Leadership Award recipient is devoted to UTEP community, leadership

Juan Corral, Contributor May 7, 2019

Thriving student Kaelin Walker was selected for the UTEP’s Leadership Award for her devotion and commitment to the student community. Walker is a junior, double-majoring in women’s and gender studies and dance, with a minor in legal reasoning. To...

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I was never good at headlines... adios, Prospy

I was never good at headlines… adios, Prospy

Claudia Flores, Editor-in-Chief May 7, 2019

When I started at The Prospector, I had no idea what I was getting into. I had no idea one day I would see my name in the news page with the title of “editor-in-chief.” All I knew is that if I wanted to build a portfolio and become a journalist, I...

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The Prospector helped me use my creativity toward my degree

The Prospector helped me use my creativity toward my degree

Salma Lozoya, Senior designer May 7, 2019

If you told me two years ago that I would be where I am right now, I would not have believed you. My whole college career I have worked in hair salons, not really thinking about getting any experience in what I was studying­—media advertising. As graduation...

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Thank you, The Prospector

Thank you, The Prospector

Malia Simone Green, Advertising May 7, 2019

I started my journey here at The University of Texas at El Paso completely alone. I had no family here in El Paso. My friends went to other schools or into military service. I cried the whole week of orientation because I was so homesick. Yikes! But I...

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Glide Ambassadors testing the electric scooters

Electric scooters not allowed on UTEP campus yet

Brianna Chavez, Copy Editor May 3, 2019

Dockless electric scooters are now allowed in a certain area of El Paso, but not on the UTEP campus despite students riding them from class to class. Glide CEO Jonathan Lopez said they are working with UTEP to hopefully get the scooters rolling on...

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UTEP's 2019 Top Ten Seniors -- back row: (from left to right) Jose Echeverri, Hazael Hernandez, Maria Elena Martinez, Gustavo Velez-Arce, Johnathan Cereceres 
front row: Heidi Fehr, Mariana Madero Guerrero, Adriana Mares, Kristen Ahumada, Karine Monticone

UTEP Top Ten Seniors recognized by UTEP Alumni Association

Brianna Chavez, Copy Editor April 30, 2019

Ten of UTEP’s brightest and soon-to-be newest alumni were honored by the UTEP Alumni Association with UTEP’s 2019 Top Ten Seniors Award. The group of seniors, their families, faculty and staff gathered April 30 at the Tomas Rivera Conference Center...

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Gabriel Freitze and José Rivera are two of the three people who developed the report for the El Paso Del Norte Region.

Up in smoke presentation to explain the history of marijuana in the Paso Del Norte Region

Daniel Mendez, Web Editor April 30, 2019

Currently, in the United States, more than half the states have legalized medicinal marijuana use, while only a handful of states have legalized recreational use. Texas alone is surrounded by five states that have legalized the medicinal use of marijuana—Louisiana,...

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The crisis at the border continues

The crisis at the border continues

Oscar Avila, Reporter April 30, 2019

The threat of a U.S.-Mexico border shutdown still hangs in the air since President Donald Trump’s announcement Friday, March 29. A shutdown could affect the majority of students at UTEP, who frequently commute across the border to attend the university....

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UTEP Take Back the Night at the Union Cinema Wednesday April 24th, 2019.

Survivors speak up at Take Back the Night 25th anniversary

Claudia Flores, Editor-in-chief April 25, 2019

In celebration of  the 25 year anniversary of Take Back the Night (TBTN) at UTEP, students gathered Wednesday, April 24, at the Union Cinema to listen to the testimony of those who once were victims of sexual  and domestic abuse. Juliette Grimmett,...

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