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Assayer of Student Opinion.

The Prospector

Assayer of Student Opinion.

The Prospector

Assayer of Student Opinion.

The Prospector

The 2020 United States presidential election is scheduled for Tuesday, November 3, 2020.

Study: Nearly half of adults don’t discuss politics

Paulina Astrid Spencer, Staff Reporter February 24, 2020

With the current political climate and the 2020 election just around the corner, many have turned away from having political conversations with someone, according to an analysis of data from the Pew Research Center’s Election News Pathways (PRCENP)...

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Vicky Zhuang, exhibit curator and Biodiversity Collections Manager at UTEP poses next to a 3D model of an ant on display at the “Tiny Tunnels, Big Connections: Ant Relationships Shape the World,” exhibit at the Centennial Museum.

UTEP ant exhibit sparks memories of the defunct Insights El Paso Science Center

Margaret Cataldi, Staff Reporter February 24, 2020

“Tiny Tunnels, Big Connections: Ant Relationships Shape the World” is the latest installment at the University of Texas at El Paso (UTEP) Centennial Museum and the Chihuahuan Desert Gardens. It was created thanks to a $166,000 grant that the UTEP...

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Bernie Sanders address to those who were  not able to get into the Abraham Chavez Theater due to overflow.

Sanders kicks off statewide tour in El Paso as early voting continues

Bryan Mena, Entertainment Editor February 23, 2020

As Texans continue to cast their ballots during early voting, Democratic presidential candidate, Sen. Bernie Sanders, held a rally today in Downtown El Paso as part of a statewide tour to lay out his campaign's agenda and make his case for why he is the...

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Vote early at UTEP

Vote early at UTEP

The Prospector Staff February 19, 2020

UTEP opened its doors for early voters to cast their vote in the 2020 primary elections at UTEP. Students, faculty and staff can vote at UTEP’s Mike Loya Academic Services Building, Room 131. Voter parking is available in front of the building. Tuesday,...

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Students push for participation in 2020 Census

Students push for participation in 2020 Census

Marisol Chávez and Sasha Minjarez February 17, 2020

Every 10 years since 1790, people residing in the U.S. have participated in the census. In order to understand its importance, one must understand the importance of representation in Congress.    In Article 1, Section 2, the Constitution states,...

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The University of Texas at El Paso’s College of Science opened the spring 2020 semester with its newest undergraduate degree offering – a Bachelor of Science in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology (EEB). The new degree is the campus’ latest effort in an ongoing mission of providing competitive academic and research opportunities at one of the most reasonable prices for a U.S. top tier university.

UTEP introduces a new degree program to keep up with the demands of our changing climate

Margaret Cataldi, Staff Reporter February 17, 2020

The University of Texas at El Paso’s College of Science unveiled its latest undergraduate degree at the start of the spring 2020 semester - a Bachelor of Science in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology (EEB). Under this new program, students will be able...

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UTEP President Heather Wilson introduced the new Hawkins Scholarship during the Honors, Scholars and Fellows Day Wednesday, Feb. 5.

UTEP president announces new $10,000 scholarships 

Noah Sarabia February 13, 2020

UTEP President Heather Wilson introduced a new scholarship opportunity for students called the Hawkins Scholarship, established by Wilson herself. The announcement took place during the Honors, Scholars and Fellows Day Wednesday, Feb. 5. The Hawkins...

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El Paso-based defense attorney Joe Spencer speaks with reporters outside U.S. District Court following a hearing for Patrick Wood Crusius, who is accused of killing 22 people and injuring 23 more in a mass shooting at an El Paso Walmart on Aug. 3, 2019. The 90-count indictment charges Crusius with hate crimes.

Walmart shooter has first court appearance after federal indictment

Paulina Astrid Spencer, Staff Reporter February 12, 2020

Today, Patrick Wood Crusius, 21, the man accused of killing 22 and injuring 23 more in a mass shooting at the Cielo Vista Walmart in El Paso Aug. 3, 2019, appeared at the U.S. District Court for the first time since his federal indictment.   With...

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Although it is a natural action, masturbation has been subject of its fair share of misconceptions and stigma.

Destigmatizing masturbation

Alexia X. Nava Carmona, Copy Editor February 10, 2020

Although it is a natural action, masturbation has been subject of its fair share of misconceptions and stigma, especially among women.   “Female masturbation has been seen as unnatural and immoral practice. It is considered a sin by many religions...

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UTEP 2030 Strategic Plan to involve students, faculty, staff

UTEP 2030 Strategic Plan to involve students, faculty, staff

Marisol Chavez, Web Editor February 10, 2020

In an email from the President’s Office at the University of Texas at El Paso (UTEP) sent on Jan. 30 to all students, faculty and staff, a strategic plnning process for the next 10 years was announced. “An effective planning process will help...

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People can now find condom vending machines in bars or in the bathrooms of clubs, but getting condoms still remains as a taboo thing to do, especially among teenagers who start to explore their sexual life.

Condoms, their history and access at UTEP

Maria Ramos, Contributor February 10, 2020

Any person can walk into a convenience store such as 7-Eleven and buy male condoms for $3 or less. Besides being affordable and accessible, there are multiple options from which to choose. From size, colors, flavors and varying descriptions, such as “pleasure...

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The app Aura for users will be ready to use by the end of January.

Student creates ride-sharing app for women to fight sexual harassment

Maria Salette Ontiveros, Contributor February 10, 2020

Josué Rodríguez, a 21-year-old computer system engineering student from the Autonomous University of Ciudad Juárez (UACJ), created a ride-sharing app called Aura, exclusively made for women. “The idea of Aura started by hearing a lot of delicate...

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