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Assayer of Student Opinion.

The Prospector

Assayer of Student Opinion.

The Prospector

Assayer of Student Opinion.

The Prospector

(L-R); Briana Bustillos, Karoline Daland, Mahra Mcleod and Taylor Stone lived together when student residents were directed out of student housing.

UTEP international athletes support each other, find solidarity amid COVID

Daniela Ramos, Contributor September 14, 2020

Karoline Daland said she had been training so hard to finish off the track & field season earlier this year, but then COVID-19 took the world by storm. Her next track meet was only a week away, but it suddenly got canceled. When the pandemic upended...

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UTEP enrollment slightly down, retention rate up

UTEP enrollment slightly down, retention rate up

Anahy Diaz, Copy Editor September 11, 2020

UTEP is reporting an enrollment of 24,879 students for the Fall 2020 semester which is a 1.2% decrease in head-count enrollment from Fall 2019, but the university is also reporting an increase in its retention rate. According to a news release, the...

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UTEP professor said the stress nursing students typically face is already significant, so traumatic experiences can potentially make education even more difficult.

UTEP professor researches effects of childhood trauma on Hispanic nursing students

Sven Kline, Contributor September 11, 2020

Dr. Karen Fowler, assistant professor of nursing at UTEP, is researching the effects of childhood trauma on Hispanic nursing students during their years of study with the help of a $5,000 grant she received this year. Funding from the grant began in early...

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The online programs also provide a similar experience to that which students would have received if it wasn’t for the current pandemic.

Studying abroad a possibility in the spring for UTEP students

Pablo Gallegos, Contributor September 10, 2020

UTEP’s Office of International Programs and Study Abroad is now accepting applications for trips departing in the Spring 2021 semester, but what’s different now amid the COVID-19 pandemic? Even though the program is not sending anyone anywhere...

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An annual report published by LendEDU, an online marketplace for financial products, reveals that the average UTEP graduate has $23,632 in student debt, ranking the university at 91 out of 475 colleges and universities in the United States for average student loan debt.

Average UTEP graduate is more than $20K in debt, report shows

Isaiah Ramirez, Staff Reporter September 9, 2020

Oscar Gomez, a UTEP alumnus, said he had to take out the maximum amount of student loans each semester while he attended UTEP because he had so many things to pay for. “I had already exhausted my Pell Grant and I had to start getting student loans...

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Photo courtesy of UTEP.

‘Career Fair Plus’ app helps UTEP students find jobs during COVID-19 pandemic

Sven Kline, Contributor September 8, 2020
Developed by UTEP’s Career Center (CC), “Career Fair Plus” (CFP) is bridging the gap between students and potential employers though a mobile application.  
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The Student Recreation Center has opened after months of being shuttered. Many safety protocols will be put in place.

UTEP reopens Student Recreation Center, reservations required

Sasha Minjarez, Contributor September 7, 2020

UTEP officially reopened its Student Recreation Center on Sept. 1 after it was shuttered for months because of the coronavirus pandemic and many modifications have been put in place to ensure safety. The Recreation Center will only be operating at...

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Bell Hall houses the Department of Mathematical Sciences.

‘An emerging discipline:’ UTEP unveils new data science degree

Sasha Minjarez, Contributor September 2, 2020

UTEP’s new data science doctoral degree program is expected to be in full swing by the fall 2021 semester, opening up a slew of opportunities for students and the El Paso community. “This is so important for UTEP,” said Dr. Amy Wagler, the program’s...

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According to Workforce Solutions Borderplex, which analyzes data from the El Paso-region labor market, 4,655 unemployment claims were made from Aug. 1 through Aug. 23.

Amid uncertain job market, UTEP Career Center offers students guidance

Isaiah Ramirez, Staff Reporter September 1, 2020

With millions of jobs lost because of the pandemic, starting a career has become more of a challenge for graduates barely entering the job market. UTEP’s University Career Center has been helping students adapt to these tough times through guidance...

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UTEP professors Dr. Carina Heckert, Dr. Katherine M. Serafine, and Dr. Ophra Leyser-Whalen.

$300K grant furthers research on pregnant immigrant women

Isaiah Ramirez, Staff Reporter August 31, 2020

A grant of $318,383 was recently awarded to UTEP's Department of Sociology & Anthropology by the National Science Foundation to explore the emotional experience of pregnancy among first and second generation Mexican-origin immigrants in the El Paso,...

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Students weigh in on UTEP making commencement virtual after postponement

Sofia Vargas, Contributor August 31, 2020

In replacement of the in-person graduation ceremony that was supposed to happen in May, UTEP is instead hosting a virtual one at 5 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 12 amid the COVID-19 pandemic. Elias Chevalier, freshman history major at UTEP, said that the graduating...

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The coronavirus pandemic isn't stopping student organizations at UTEP from enhancing the college experience.

Student organizations at UTEP remain active despite COVID

Victoria Almaguer, Contributor August 29, 2020

The college experience is going to be very different this semester for students everywhere because classes are now mostly online. But despite this new reality, here’s how some student organizations at UTEP have adapted to the COVID-19 era. The...

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