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Assayer of Student Opinion.

The Prospector

Assayer of Student Opinion.

The Prospector

Assayer of Student Opinion.

The Prospector

aaron montes / The Prospector
Feral cats are unadoptable and when they are taken to animal shelters, 99 percent of them will be euthanized within three days..

Campus cats find support through community programs

Lorain Watters, Assistant News Editor October 22, 2013

As UTEP continues to transform, one thing has stayed constant in the untouched shadows—the feral cat population on campus. Since its inception in 2000, the Trap-Neuter-Return program on campus has operated on-and-off throughout the years. Since December...

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The Army Ten Miler runners make their way to the finish line Sunday morning. Nearly 35,000 runners were registered to run the annual race.

Two third-place finishes for Fort Bliss at Army Ten Miler

Andrés Rodríguez, SHFWire Reporter October 22, 2013

ARLINGTON, Va. - The Fort Bliss men’s and women’s teams finished third Oct. 20 at the Army Ten Miler. Spc. Japheth Ng’Ojoy, 25, clocked the men’s team fastest time at 52:15 and 1st Lt. Jasmin Branch, 24, finished first for the women’s team...

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George Takei says, “these are not two cities” in a speech about LGBT equality at the National Press Club in Washington. Takei played Commander Sulu on Star Trek.

Marriage equality beams up to Michigan, New Jersey

Gavin Stern, SHFWire Reporter October 22, 2013

WASHINGTON - It was a consequential week for gay rights, with Michigan and New Jersey moving toward allowing gay marriage through the judicial system. Victory in those states would increase the number of states allowing gay marriage to 16, along with...

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National Park Service Director Jonathan Jarvis says his decision to close parks was due to a concern for the safety and security of the parks. Jarvis was subpoenaed to speak Wednesday at a House committee hearing.

National Park Service under fire on Hill for park closures

Andrés Rodríguez, SHFWire reporter October 16, 2013

WASHINGTON – The National Park Service defended its decision to close hundreds of parks during the government shutdown, after coming under fire Wednesday from House Republicans who called the service’s actions “disgusting and despicable.” National...

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Men in heels walk around Downtown in protest of sexual violence

Aaron Montes, Staff photographer October 16, 2013

Three hundred men strapped on high heels in participation of the nationwide Walk A Mile In Her Shoes event at the Garden Restaurant Tuesday night. The men included firefighters, judges, bikers and members of four UTEP fraternities. The national event...

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Crime worries students around campus

Amanda Guillen, Staff Reporter October 15, 2013

Three incidents, including robbery and assault, recently occurred on or near campus within a month’s time span, which has led to safety concerns among students.. At approximately 4:30 p.m. on Sept. 23, a student was walking by Mundy Park, located...

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Monastere awaits trial for fondling three women on campus

Monastere awaits trial for fondling three women on campus

Lorain Watters, Assistant News Editor October 15, 2013

David Monastere was arrested on April 8 when a student recognized him as the same person who had inappropriately touched her months before. UTEP Chief of Police Cliff Walsh said Monastere was charged with a Class C assault in two cases, which are pending...

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Students may receive benefits for working in poor areas through Affordable Care Act

S. David Ramirez, Staff Reporter October 15, 2013

Editor’s Note: This is the third in a three-part series on the Affordable Care Act’s impact on UTEP students. Through the Affordable Care Act, students and educators alike may become eligible for loan forgiveness and additional stipends for serving...

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Construction causes trouble for students with disabilities

Construction causes trouble for students with disabilities

Lorain Watters, Assistant News Editor October 15, 2013

As construction continues on campus, students with disabilities face difficult situations. Prior to the beginning of campus transformation, the Center for Accommodation and Support Services has tried to help these students register for classes outside...

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Budget cuts could sink Captain Phillips’ ship

Budget cuts could sink Captain Phillips’ ship

Andrés Rodríguez, SHFWire reporter October 15, 2013

WASHINGTON – Capt. Richard Phillips, whose 2009 kidnapping by Somali pirates is depicted in Tom Hanks’ new movie, warned Thursday that budget cuts could eliminate one-third of the U.S. ships used to transport military cargo. Phillips’ ship,...

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Monday evening a student fell from the third floor ledge at Union Building East to the middle second floor staircase after losing his balance. Still conscious after the fall, he was transported to Las Palmas Medical Center.

Accident at Union raises safety concerns

Lorain Watters and Kristopher Rivera October 14, 2013

Monday evening, a student and pledge for the Alpha Kappa Lambda fraternity fell from the third floor balcony at Union Building East to the middle second floor staircase. The accident occurred approximately at 8 p.m. during the Greek life meetings. According...

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Department of Veterans’ Affairs Secretary Eric Shinseki warns members of a House committee that if the shutdown doesn’t end soon, millions of veterans may not receive benefit payments. Shinseki addressed the Veterans’ Affairs congressional committee Wednesday.

Veterans may not see benefit checks on Nov. 1 if shutdown continues

Jessica Wray, Scripps Howard Foundation Wire Reporter October 10, 2013

WASHINGTON – Veterans’ Affairs Secretary Eric Shinseki warned House VA committee members Oct. 9 that if the shutdown doesn’t end soon, come Nov. 1, more than 5.18 million beneficiaries – including veterans, family members and a portion of active...

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