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Assayer of Student Opinion.

The Prospector

Assayer of Student Opinion.

The Prospector

Assayer of Student Opinion.

The Prospector

Leo Aguirre, creator of the short film “El Fuego Detrás” will be making a trip to France for the Cannes Film Festival in May.

Student to showcase short film at Cannes Film Fest in France

Helen Yip, Staff Reporter April 15, 2014

What started as a weekend project will now take UTEP student Leo Aguirre to one of the most profound film festivals in the world. Aguirre is only 19 years old, and his short film “El Fuego Detrás” will be screened at the 2014 Cannes Film Festival...

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Gary Edens proposes new tuition increases.

UTEP proposes to increase tuition and fees

Javier Cortez, Staff Reporter April 9, 2014

At 3 p.m. today at the University Suite in the Union East Building, Vice President of Student Affairs Gary Edens presented a tuition increase proposal that will be implemented for the 2014-15 school year. The tuition and fees increase was explained...

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(Left) Steve Pulley, a former heroine addict, sits with Jorge Marquez, a clinical counselor at the UTEP Counseling Center. They discuss student recovery and advocacy for those who are seek higher education.

Former addict promotes student recovery through national bike tour

Helen Yip, Staff reporter April 8, 2014

Steve Pulley casually sits with his legs crossed in a tiny, dimly lit room.  His physique is fit, you would never tell by looking at him that he was once a heroin addict. Pulley is traveling on a bicycle from San Diego to Charleston, South Carolina,...

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Students listen in on lectures similar to those that will be presented at the open house.

Open house to celebrate centennial with workshops and time capsule

Helen Yip, Staff Reporter April 8, 2014

UTEP will have a full itinerary of events scheduled to take place April 10-12 at it’s first-ever comprehensive Open House. In honor of the centennial celebration, each college at UTEP will present a unique aspect of their specialization, promoting...

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Wage disparities between genders prevalent in El Paso

Wage disparities between genders prevalent in El Paso

Maria Esquinca, Staff Reporter April 8, 2014

On March 26, state Sen. Wendy Davis, D-Fort Worth, visited Café Mayapan, where she focused her talk on the issue of equal pay for all people despite gender or ethnicity. “It’s about being paid for what we do, not who we are,” Davis said in her...

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Uzma Yaqoob speaks about religion in Islam.

A minority within the minority: Arab heritage intersects Hispanic culture

Lorain Watters, Assistant News Editor April 8, 2014

“Allahu Akbar” echoes off the stucco walls as a congregation of men bow before the imam reciting prayers to Allah. A separate room in the back of the mosque is used by a group of women dressed with multi-colored hijabs and chadors. As of 2010,...

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Binge drinking a real danger for college students

Binge drinking a real danger for college students

Javier Cortez, Staff Reporter April 1, 2014

Each year, an estimated 1,825 college students between the ages of 18 and 24 die from alcohol-related injuries, according to the National Institution of Health (NIH). Many alcohol-related deaths are unintentional and associated with the phenomenon of...

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Deadline extended for affordable health insurance

Lorain Watters, Assistant News Editor April 1, 2014

A special enrollment period has been issued by the Obama administration, granting individuals an opportunity to submit an application for affordable health care after the assigned deadline on March 31. Based on an honor system, individuals can be granted...

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New age addiction, the rise of electronic cigarettes

New age addiction, the rise of electronic cigarettes

Helen Yip, Staff Reporter April 1, 2014

In this day and age, you can now add cigarettes to that list of digital items. Electronic cigarettes, or e-cigs, have been around for a while, but have really undergone a boom within the last five years. Many are turning to e-cigarettes in an effort to...

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Bringing sexy back to health

Bringing sexy back to health

Amanda Guillen, Multimedia Editor April 1, 2014

Sex may still be considered taboo to talk about, but it may be just the thing you need to hear about when it comes to keeping healthy. Some surprising health benefits of sex include a stronger immune system, minimized pain, weight loss, improved sleep,...

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Ann Weeby, an Iraq veteran with the Michigan Army National Guard and senior business developer for Goodwill in San Francisco, plants a U.S. flags across the National Mall to represent veterans who committed suicide over the last year.

U.S. flags planted on National Mall to represent veteran suicides

Alejandro Alba, SHFWire reporter March 27, 2014

WASHINGTON – As he helped plant some of the 1,892 U.S. flags across the National Mall, David Curry remembered his fellow Marine and friend, Jonathan Schulze. Seven years ago, Schulze committed suicide after returning from war. He was unable to get...

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Candidate Wendy Davis talks equal pay at Café Mayapan

Jasmine Aguilera and Maria Esquinca March 26, 2014

Gubernatorial candidate Texas Sen. Wendy Davis, D-Fort Worth, spent Wednesday morning speaking to media and volunteers at Café Mayapan, in El Paso, Texas. She focused her discussion on gender and economic equality. El Paso Sen. Jose Rodriguez...

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