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Assayer of Student Opinion.

The Prospector

Assayer of Student Opinion.

The Prospector

Assayer of Student Opinion.

The Prospector

Supreme court hears appeals by penalized SGA campaigners

Supreme court hears appeals by penalized SGA campaigners

Luis Barrio and Jose Soto May 8, 2014

Several hearings were held in front of the Student Government’s Supreme Court at the SGA’s offices on May 7 as the result of alleged improprieties on the part of candidates before and during the SGA elections, which were held April 30 – May 1. The...

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Female students progress through male-dominated STEM workforce

Female students progress through male-dominated STEM workforce

Lorain Watters, Assistant News Editor May 6, 2014

Women remain underrepresented in the fields of science, technology, engineering and mathematics, according to a 2013 study done by the National Science Foundation. Women make up 58.1 percent of the overall workforce in the nation, according to the...

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Study shows graduate student debt rises to $1.2 trillion

Study shows graduate student debt rises to $1.2 trillion

Maria Esquinca, Staff Reporter May 6, 2014

A 2014 report titled “The Graduate Student Debt Review,” by New America Foundation, a non-partisan public policy agency, analyzed recent data by the Department of Education and revealed that much of the $1.2 trillion student debt is a result of graduate...

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A guide this years’ commencement ceremony

Jose Soto, Staff Reporter May 6, 2014

Graduation is always an exciting and thrilling time for graduates. Celebrating this accomplishment may be important to anyone who has overcome the struggle to earn their degree. However, this spring’s commencement will be different with the 2014 centennial...

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Visión México helps Mexican and other international students find a career in their home country.

Estudiantes cambian perspectiva de trabajar en Mexico

Cassandra Adame, Staff Reporter May 6, 2014

Estudiantes internacionales enfrentan aún mas problemas al momento de graduarse y ejercer sus carreras. Al termino de sus estudios en Estados Unidos, su tiempo dentro del país es limitado. Organizaciones dentro de UTEP como Visión México ayudan a...

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Paid internships pave the way to jobs, upaid—not so much

Paid internships pave the way to jobs, upaid—not so much

Maria Esquinca, Staff Reporter May 6, 2014

Amber Morrison, senior creative writing major, devotes 10-15 hours per week researching sneakers. Huddled over a computer screen, she tries to learn everything about them. Jordan’s, Nikes, Rebok, Adidas, Asics, the list goes on. She tries to learn what...

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Need to find a job? There’s an app for that

Chris Zacherl, Staff Reporter May 6, 2014

Oftentimes, recent graduates struggle in the hunt for jobs. Sometimes they don’t know where to apply or they might be dealing with that senioritis hangover. But their student loan debts still need to be paid somehow. Here are some apps that might make...

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Library accommodates for finals week

Amanda Guillen, Multimedia Editor May 6, 2014

Every semester the library and its staff prepare for finals week by opening its doors for 24 hours so that students can prepare for their upcoming exams and projects. Starting on Sunday and ending on Friday, the library will serve as a temporary home...

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Despite circumstances, art students continue to excel

Despite circumstances, art students continue to excel

Andrea Acosta, Entertainment Editor April 29, 2014

A sense of inspiration in the workspace is necessary when it comes to producing art. However, at the Fox Fine Arts Center, students say they lack inspiration due to the lack of technological equipment and the deterioration of the building. “Every...

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The Rock House Café and Gallery proveé un espacio libre para artistas de todas las disciplinas.

Escena artística crece en la región fronteriza

Cassandra Adame, Staff Reporter April 29, 2014

Al ver la ciudad, repleta de espacios vacíos, edificios y calles arrojadas, los artistas ven en ella un lienzo en blanco. Galerías pop-up, murales y pintura de aerosol en lata refugian la ciudad. Kerry Doyle, directora del Stanlee & Gerald Rubin...

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Maximo art society member welcomes gallery goers.

Campus organization aims to put art students on the map

Maria Esquinca, Staff Reporter April 29, 2014

A blank white wall is slashed angrily with red paint. The wall seems to bleed through the jagged sharp lines. Crimson roses erupt from the center and have been delicately placed atop the jagged lines to create a soft contrast. On the floor below, people...

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Senior psychology major Joseph Peterson spray paints a wall in Downtown El Paso.

Psychology major spray paints the city like a canvas

Lorain Watters, Assistant News Editor April 29, 2014

Two giraffes share their last kiss as they are set on fire, while a panda tied to a multi-colored balloon floats over pyramids. The sky is filled with pink planets, swirling with yellow and blue gases, as a peacock walks by and says, “Keep it real.” The...

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