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Assayer of Student Opinion.

The Prospector

Assayer of Student Opinion.

The Prospector

Assayer of Student Opinion.

The Prospector

Virtual program aims to help victims of eating disorders

Virtual program aims to help victims of eating disorders

Rene Delgadillo, Multimedia Editor October 23, 2017

Every hour a person with an eating disorder dies in the United States. According to the National Eating Disorder Association (NEDA), more than 30 million people in the U.S. will suffer from an eating disorder throughout their life. A UTEP student,...

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Junior biological sciences major Karina Monticone delivers Halloween candy and presents to underprivileged individuals.

UTEP club helps underprivileged celebrate Halloween

Elenie Gonzalez, Staff Reporter October 23, 2017

Halloween is the one night of the year that many people of all ages look forward to celebrating with decorations, candy and costumes flooding the town. It’s a tradition that dates back many decades. Trick or treating is what most children look forward...

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Protesters gather outside of Rep. Hurd's office.

Immigration advocates rally outside of Rep. Will Hurd’s office

Grecia Sanchez, Reporter October 20, 2017

Immigration advocates and members of the student organization Soñando Juntos’ organized a rally today outside of Rep. Will Hurd's offices. After two legislative visits where Hurd was present, advocates say that Hurd needs to support a clean Dream...

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Annual heel walk raises $82,000 for local YWCA

Annual heel walk raises $82,000 for local YWCA

Gaby Velasquez, Photo Editor October 19, 2017

Hundreds of men participated in the annual "Walk a Mile in Her Shoes" fundraising event on Thursday, October 19 at San Jacinto Plaza. The funds will support local YWCA programs and services for survivors of domestic violence and family assault. The...

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Members of El Paso police department at the memorial service held on Tuesday October 17th at the Chavez Theater to honor the memory of Texas Tech University police officer and El Paso Native  Floyd East Jr.

El Paso community remembers fallen Texas Tech police officer

Claudia Flores, Reporter October 18, 2017

Family, friends and members of the Texas Tech and El Paso communities gathered to celebrate the life of Floyd East Jr., El Paso native and Texas Tech University police officer. On the night of October 9, East was shot in the head by 19-year-old Texas...

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Courtesy of Tarana Burke Facebook

‘Me Too’ viral campaign unites victims of sexual misconduct

Leslie Sarinana, Copy Editor October 17, 2017

Following the recent sexual assault allegations against movie mogul Harvey Weinstein, a movement of women using the hashtag “MeToo” to speak out about their sexual assault has gone viral. The campaign went viral after actress Alyssa Milano tweeted...

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Enrique Garcia hopes to bring transparancy and insight to the Texas 16th Congressional District seat.

Garcia brings legal perspective to Congressional race

Eddie Velazquez, Entertainment Editor October 16, 2017

Immigration attorney and El Paso native Enrique Garcia announced his bid for Texas’ 16th United States Congressional District earlier in the summer. Garcia joins a crowded Democratic Party slate, as he is one of five candidates to run as a Democrat. Garcia,...

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Breast cancer awareness month

Breast cancer awareness month

Claudia Flores, Staff Reporter October 16, 2017

Every October turns pink as different local, national and international charities join the annual breast cancer awareness campaign to raise money for cancer research and offer support to those who are or have been affected by breast cancer. Breast cancer...

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Ability Awareness week showcases annual wheelchair basketball game

Ability Awareness week showcases annual wheelchair basketball game

Sergio Muñoz, Contributor October 16, 2017

On Monday, the wheelchair basketball game was celebrated in the Don Haskins Center, in which the El Paso Air Wheelers confronted the Wounded Warriors in a battle to show who is best. Many families came to support the Ability Awareness Week and enjoy...

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Children learn how to shift for gold.

UTEP celebrates Earth Science Day

Elenie Gonzalez, Reporter October 16, 2017

The Geological Sciences department celebrated Earth Science Day inside the Geology building on Saturday afternoon to showcase the department and teach the community about the importance of Earth Science. The celebration is part of Earth Science Week,...

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President of the Bhutan Foundation visits UTEP for Centennial Lecture Series

President of the Bhutan Foundation visits UTEP for Centennial Lecture Series

Elenie Gonzalez, Reporter October 13, 2017

Bruce Bunting, president of the Bhutan Foundation, visited the UTEP campus on Wednesday afternoon to give his presentation, “Bhutan: Development with Values,” at the El Paso Natural Gas Conference Center. He spoke about the Bhutan Foundation, a...

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ARISE celebrates first-ever Indigenous People’s Day

ARISE celebrates first-ever Indigenous People’s Day

Adrian Broaddus, Editor-In-Chief October 10, 2017

After long months of planning and meeting with different university officials, ARISE (Academic Revival of Indigenous Studies and Education), an organization at UTEP dedicated to educating students about different indigenous groups, was granted permission...

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