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Assayer of Student Opinion.

The Prospector

Assayer of Student Opinion.

The Prospector

Assayer of Student Opinion.

The Prospector

UTEP student Diego Martinez was killed by a motorcycle in West El Paso Sept. 29. Photo courtesy of UTEP Soccer’s Twitter

Love like Diego

Itzel Giron, Editor-in-Chief October 10, 2023

People come into one another’s lives not knowing the impact they will have on each other. For Stephen Pitchkolan, President of Kappa Sigma at UTEP, the impact of Diego Martinez is an everlasting one. Unfortunately, some people leave this earth unexpectedly...

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A mother with her daughter sitting nearby El Paso Street with their belongings.

El Paso reaches breaking point as migrants flood downtown

Itzel Giron, Editor-in-Chief September 26, 2023

Downtown El Paso and San Jacinto Plaza is most notable for its warm and welcoming environment, has turned into a disheartening place as visitors greet the eyes of hopeless migrants waiting for the foreseeable future. Today and for an unknown amount of...

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El Paso’s Border Patrol Tactical Unit and their K-9 assist named Yoda were able to apprehend Danelo Cavalcante, the man who escaped prison after being convicted of killing Deborah Brandão. Photo courtesy of USBP BORTAC

El Paso BORTAC K9 brings justice

Meagan Elizabeth García, Arts & Culture Editor September 26, 2023

Those outside of El Paso might know the border city for its scorching temperatures and ongoing migrant crisis, but now many can think of El Paso for its phenomenal Border Patrol Tactical and K9 unit because of its most recent heroic effort.  Many...

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Underground music venue known as ‘The Dungeon’, located at 110 Poplar St., is set to an event featuring alleged neo-Nazi and fascist bands.

Neo-Nazis disturb Sun City music scene

Marco Hinojosa, Audience & Engagement Editor September 14, 2023

From goth shows to rock metal performances, venue, The Dungeon, has held numerous events for the local band scene in the borderland. Where once there was a place for people to express themselves freely and listen to live music is now a space growing a...

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The Hospitals of Providence Memorial Campus.

Nurses in El Paso hold picket line for patient care

H. Catching Marginot, Staff Reporter September 6, 2023

During the harsh cold month of January, more than 7,000 union nurses from the New York State Nurses Association (NYSNA) picked up their picket signs and engulfed the streets creating an explosive start to the New Year.   This was a combined effort...

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El Pasoans get on the streetcar at the Glory Road stop Aug. 30.

El Paso Streetcar extends its hours to serve college students

Elisha Nuñez, Staff Reporter September 6, 2023

In these first weeks of school, UTEP students have returned to practicing many back-to-school routines. One of those routines is waiting in a crowd to board the shuttle, which is as exciting as it sounds.   While the shuttle continues to be a mode...

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Steeple of Kelly Center for Hunger Relief.

Pensamientos Y Platicas: Combating the mental health in the Hispanic community

Avery Escamilla-Wendell, Multimedia Editor July 31, 2023

Across the borderland the Hispanic communities are highly populated, however are not desired to receive mental health resources due to the negative beliefs. Pensaminetos Y Platicas is finding a way to end the stigma of receiving mental health treatment...

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According to El Paso Matters, July 22 marked the end of the 38 consecutive days of heat over 100 degrees. Photo courtesy of Wikipedia Commons

Scorched Earth: Here’s what you need to know

Eugenio Cantu, Contributor/Reporter July 28, 2023

It is not often that going outside gives us a glimpse into the final moments of a Thanksgiving turkey, but the city of El Paso has experienced over 40 consecutive days of triple digit heat. Shattering not only the record for most consecutive days of heat,...

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El Pasoans at the Vigil held at Ponder Park the day of the shooting August 3, 2019.

Sentencing of El Paso Walmart gunman begins

Meagan Elizabeth García, Arts & Culture Editor July 5, 2023

[Update]: The third and final day of the federal sentencing for Crusius has now concluded and his legal fate has been sealed.   Crusius was given 90 consecutive life sentences and is expected to serve those years in ADX Florence, a maximum-security...

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Fire officials responded to a fire that took place near campus July 4 that could have possibly been caused by fireworks.

Fireworks possible cause of fire near campus

Annabella Mireles, Photo Editor July 4, 2023

Fire officials responded to a fire that took place Tuesday afternoon around 1:30 p.m. on the 2400 block of Campbell, near UTEP campus.  Although there has not been confirmation as to what started the fire, reports from first responders said the cause...

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El Paso Hockey Associate might be demolished to expand the port of entry.

A possible frozen oasis

Eugenio Cantu, Contributor May 3, 2023

Although the prospect of an ice rink in the middle of a desert city might seem a little strange, the El Paso Hockey Association is one of the city’s biggest sports. They are composed of our home team, the El Paso Rhinos, which compete in NAHL (North...

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Photography Enthusiasts of El Paso (PEEPS) is El Paso’s oldest photography club which comprises of about 78 members. Photo courtesy of Photography Enthusiasts of El Paso

Meet the photo ‘PEEPs’

Elisha Nuñez, Staff Reporter April 21, 2023

Photography is a passion for many people. For years, photography has been constantly changing, from disposable film cameras to the latest smartphones. There are also numerous organizations that have given people, who have an interest in photography, a...

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