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Assayer of Student Opinion.

The Prospector

Assayer of Student Opinion.

The Prospector

Assayer of Student Opinion.

The Prospector

Students utilizing note taking through Glean app.

Glean: Independence and ease for students

Angelica Gutierrez, Contributor/Reporter September 7, 2023

The Center for Accommodations and Support Services (CASS) is always on the lookout for students' needs as a matter of academic excellence. Therefore, the Glean app is now part of their solutions catalog.   Note taking apps can provide several benefits...

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UTEP has been undergoing construction for the past few years, including construction on Schuster Ave. However, construction is expected to end in the Spring of 2024.

Ongoing campus construction: When will it end?

Elisha Nuñez, Staff Reporter September 5, 2023

Ongoing construction at UTEP has led to all kinds of reception from students and faculty alike. Big red signs scatter across campus as students walk straight to or around the construction to their classes. While some may be complaining or praising the...

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Timelycare is a digital companion to the Counseling Center for students going through mental health problems or those interested in trying therapy.  Photo courtesy of TimelyCare

New app expands mental health care for UTEP students

H. Catching Marginot, Staff Reporter September 1, 2023

If you are a new or returning student to the University of Texas at El Paso this fall, you know your schedule will be busy. Some students take as many as up to six classes while others hop right into their car to head off to work right after their last...

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Freshman beach volleyball player, Sophia Sheppard (pictured in the blue UTEP shirt) poses for a photo with her family before moving into Miner Village.

UTEP housing welcomes a variety of students

Emmanuel Rivas Valenzuela, Sports Editor August 31, 2023

This past weekend, UTEP Housing and Residence welcomed students from across the world into its three housing complexes. This includes Miner Village, Miner Canyon and Miner Heights.   One of those students was Sophia Sheppard, an incoming freshman...

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UTEP’s risk of accreditation loss has been revealed to be caused by a ‘clerical’ error.

Will UTEP keep its accreditation?

Sofia Sierra, Contributor/Reporter August 29, 2023

An ominous cloud shadows the reputation of UTEP as it recently became at risk of losing its accreditation. Thousands of students await the unknown, as the degree they are working hard for could lose its validation. University officials referred to the...

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President Heather Wilson along with Secretary of Education and Sports of the State of Chihuahua Sandra Elena Gutiérrez Fiero signed a memorandum of understanding July 14.

UTEP renews scholarship agreement with Chihuahua

Annabella Mireles, Photo Editor July 19, 2023

UTEP President Heather Wilson along with the Secretary of Education and Sports of the State of Chihuahua, Sandra Elena Gutiérrez Fiero, signed a memorandum of understanding at the President’s Conference Room on the UTEP campus.  The signing of...

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The UTEP Sun City Rocket Team appeared at the 2023 Spaceport America Cup, the biggest intercollegiate rocket launch competition in the world.

Blasting off to Spaceport America Cup

Yoali Rodriguez, Contributor July 7, 2023

“3...2...1... Lift off!” Echoed through the fields of the desert as the UTEP Sun City Rocket Team prepared to witness their rocket reach above the sky.  Participating in the biggest intercollegiate rocket launch competition in the world, UTEP’s...

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Vice President of Student Affairs Dr. Catie McCorry-Andalis describes how UTEP launched plenty of opportunities for first generation students. Photo courtesy by UTEP

Dr. Catie McCorry-Andalis named New VP of Student Affairs

Alyson Rodriguez, Contributor July 6, 2023

A lot of great leaders have come through UTEP and changed the university for the better. But none quite like Dr. Catie McCorry-Andalis.  McCorry-Andalis is a UTEP alumnus and gained her doctoral degree in Education Leadership and Administration from...

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 The new furniture included a full-size couch with a love seat, a living room table, two side tables and a twin mattress which were purchased from Foliot Furniture.

New renovations upgrade quality of student housing

Avery Escamilla-Wendell, Multimedia Editor July 6, 2023

Current and incoming students can expect an upgrade when they step foot in UTEP Housing and Residence Life. While the original furniture has plenty of memories, it was extremely worn out by the students who have come and lived in the dorms throughout...

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Early Friday morning, UTEP Police sent out an email to students, faculty, and staff about restroom safety tips after an incident occurred on campus in the women’s restroom.

Peeping Tom on campus

Itzel Giron, Editor-in-Chief June 30, 2023

Early Friday morning, UTEP Police sent out an email to students, faculty, and staff about restroom safety tips after an incident occurred on campus in the women’s restroom. This is the second incident to occur on campus as the first one occurred May...

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The UTEP community has welcomed senior staff members Dr. Catie McCorry-Andalis and Dr. Amanda Vasquez-Vicario to executive leadership positions.  Photo courtesy of UTEP Newsfeed/Press releases

Longtime UTEP staff members appointed to new executive positions

Erik Acosta, Web Editor June 23, 2023

The UTEP community has welcomed senior staff members Dr. Catie McCorry-Andalis and Dr. Amanda Vasquez-Vicario to executive leadership positions. Thursday, June 22, UTEP announced Andalis would take over as the new Vice President for Student Affairs along...

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Luia Avalos, a Chihuahua native, dreamt of studying at UTEP since he was a kid, and hopes of working at NASA after receiving a $5,000 scholarship from UTEP.

Two international students will soon start their journey at UTEP

Erik Acosta, Web Editor June 15, 2023

A UTEP scholarship brought two Chihuahua, Mexico students' dreams to reality. On June 2, recipients Priscila Garnica and Luis Avalos accepted a $5,000 scholarship from UTEP, an initiative by the study abroad program to bring more international students...

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