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Assayer of Student Opinion.

The Prospector

Assayer of Student Opinion.

The Prospector

Assayer of Student Opinion.

The Prospector

The Prospector’s Monday night playlist

November 25, 2013

Every Tuesday The Prospector releases a print edition of our publication. This means a long day of work every Monday that usually carries on into the early hours of Tuesday morning. Between editing stories, finding sources, designing pages and the...

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Jaime Picks Up: Episode 8

Jaime Picks Up: Episode 8

Jaime Quesada, Contributor November 19, 2013

Jaime Quesada talks with students about the results of the Pick Awards and why they think chain businesses are favored over local businesses.                 [youtube id="pCEa3IZLdSs"...

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The Prospector’s Monday night playlist

November 18, 2013

Every Tuesday The Prospector releases a print edition of our publication. This means a long day of work every Monday that usually carries on into the early hours of Tuesday morning. Between editing stories, finding sources, designing pages and the...

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El Chisme

Prospector staff November 18, 2013

Welcome to "El Chisme," a weekly show hosted by our staff where we discuss anything you can think of. This week we discuss: The 2013 Pick Awards The Trojan 2013 Sexual Health Report Card Humane treatment of animals for food Marketing...

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The Prospector’s Monday night playlist

The Prospector, Editorial staff November 11, 2013

Every Tuesday The Prospector releases a print edition of our publication. This means a long day of work every Monday that usually carries on into the early hours of Tuesday morning. Between editing stories, finding sources, designing pages and the...

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 UTEP students came out to the 30th Annual International Food Fair put on by student organizations.

Bon Appetit! UTEP celebrates food fair

Michaela Roman, Photographer November 5, 2013

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UGLC Has Dead People

November 2, 2013

On Friday, Nov. 1, the UGLC had a Day of the Dead celebration from noon - 5 p.m. The activities during this event included dancing, face painting, pepal picado wind designs, a live musical performance streamed through a virtual reality game, loteria,...

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Cycling for change took place on Sunday, October 25th at Album Park, the event raised awareness for victims of domestic violence.

Cycle for Change Helps Domestic Violence Victims Achieve their Goals

Leonardo Montañez, Staff reporter October 28, 2013

The El Paso County Attorney’s Office – Family Violence Unit had a successful first-ever cycling race, Cycling for Change, on Oct. 27 at Album Park to support victims of domestic violence. Linda Perez, assistant county attorney, said that all of...

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Secret Garden at UTEP?

Andrea Acosta, Entertainment Editor October 22, 2013

As an effect of the ongoing construction at UTEP—that will contribute to the Centennial Celebration in 2014—new and exciting projects are unfolding. There is one occurrence that is out of the ordinary, and this is the sudden growth of what appears...

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Men in heels walk around Downtown in protest of sexual violence

Aaron Montes, Staff photographer October 16, 2013

Three hundred men strapped on high heels in participation of the nationwide Walk A Mile In Her Shoes event at the Garden Restaurant Tuesday night. The men included firefighters, judges, bikers and members of four UTEP fraternities. The national event...

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Jaime Picks UP 6

October 10, 2013

Jaime sets the stage for the Concordia Cemetery investigation that will occur at 9 p.m. Saturday. He looks to students in the UGLC for perspectives and opinions on any lore to the cemetery.

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Utep Homecoming parade 2013

October 5, 2013

Utep students and alumni gathered to celebrate the annual homecoming parade and pep rally Saturday morning. The parade started at University and Oregon and was proceeded with the pep rally on Glory field.   

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