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Assayer of Student Opinion.

The Prospector

Assayer of Student Opinion.

The Prospector

Assayer of Student Opinion.

The Prospector

Miners shoot past Middle Tennessee

Luis Gonzalez, Sports Editor February 1, 2015

The UTEP men’s basketball team had a historic shooting night on the way to their 14th win of the season. The Miners missed only four of their 16 three-point shots and beat the visiting Middle Tennessee Blue Raiders by a final of 83-70. The 75%...

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The Prospector News Weekly Jan. 30 en Español

Kimberly Valle, Entertainment Editor January 31, 2015

Esta semana en noticias incluye, la obra musical de Carrie en UTEP Dinner Theatre, Howard Daudistel como preboste temporal para la UTEP, y Cuidad Juarez ocupa el lugar 27 de la lista de las 50 ciudades mas peligrosas de la nación.

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El Chisme Season 2, Episode 2

January 30, 2015

Welcome to second season of El Chisme, where we talk about anything and everything. This episode the Prospector staff discusses SuperBowl Sunday, Obama's two year college plan, and the 43 missing students from Ayotzinapa.

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The Prospector News Weekly January 30, 2015

Amanda Guillen, Managing Editor January 30, 2015

This week in news, UTEP names a new interim provost, UTEP students react to Juarez ranking 27th most violent city in the world, and Carrie the Musical takes over the UTEP Dinner Theater.

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Juan Carlos Navarrete, Staff Reporter January 30, 2015

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The Prospector’s Monday Night Playlist

January 26, 2015

Every Tuesday The Prospector releases a print edition of our publication. This means a long day of work every Monday that usually carries on into late hours of the night. Between editing stories, finding sources, designing pages and the occasional...

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El Chisme, Season 2, Episode 1

The Prospector Staff January 23, 2015

Welcome to the second season of El Chisme, where we discuss everything and anything.

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Monday Night Playlist

January 19, 2015

Every Tuesday The Prospector releases a print edition of our publication. This means a long day of work every Monday that usually carries on into late hours of the night. Between editing stories, finding sources, designing pages and the occasional...

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The Prospector’s Monday Night Playlist

Editorial Staff December 2, 2014

Every Tuesday The Prospector releases a print edition of our publication. This means a long day of work every Monday that usually carries on into late hours of the night. However, this time around we are producing our centennial edition of The Prospector,...

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El Paso shows solidarity for Mike Brown

Maria Esquinca, Staff Reporter November 25, 2014

Protest signs defiantly raised in the air, El Pasoan’s rallied in solidarity for Michael Brown in front of the county courthouse. The rally is one of many happening across the country after Officer Darren Wilson, who fatally shot unarmed teenager...

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Transgender Day of Remembrance honors victims of hate crimes

Wesley Juhl, SHFWire reporter November 24, 2014

WASHINGTON – Earline Budd came out as transgender to her Baptist family when she was a 9-year-old boy. Like many transgender women, the Washington native was in for a rough time. Her family didn’t accept her, and she said it was a traumatic experience. The...

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