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Assayer of Student Opinion.

The Prospector

Assayer of Student Opinion.

The Prospector

Assayer of Student Opinion.

The Prospector

The Prospector’s Monday Night Playlist

Editorial Staff April 5, 2016

Every Tuesday, The Prospector releases a print edition of our publication. This means a long day of work every Monday that usually carries on into late hours. Between editing stories, finding sources, designing pages and the occasional shout-match,...

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Christian evangelist Frank Turek visits UTEP

Andres Martinez, Multimedia Editor March 23, 2016

On Monday March 21st, 2016, Frank Turek visited UTEP's Union Cinema Theatre to discuss his world view with students.  

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The Prospector’s Monday Night Playlist

February 29, 2016

Every Tuesday, The Prospector releases a print edition of our publication. This means a long day of work every Monday that usually carries on into late hours. Between editing stories, finding sources, designing pages and the occasional shout-match,...

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UTEP Rugby

Andres Martinez, Multimedia Editor February 26, 2016

On February 20th 2016, the UTEP rugby team hosted their first home game at the Sun Bowl stadium versus New Mexico Tech.

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The Prospector’s Monday Night Playlist

February 15, 2016

Every Tuesday, The Prospector releases a print edition of our publication. This means a long day of work every Monday that usually carries on into late hours. Between editing stories, finding sources, designing pages and the occasional shout-match,...

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Orsten Artis speaks with The Prospector

Andres Martinez, Multimedia Editor February 12, 2016

On Thursday the 4th of February, Orsten Artis a starter of the 1966 National Championship game spoke with The Prospector.

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The Team That Made History

Adrian Broaddus, Sports Editor February 9, 2016

Throughout the week of the 50th anniversary celebration, ex-players from the 1966 national championship team relived old moments form the historic season. These players gave thorough accounts and stories about the five games they played in the NCAA tournament...

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The Prospector’s Monday Night Playlist

February 8, 2016

Every Tuesday, The Prospector releases a print edition of our publication. This means a long day of work every Monday that usually carries on into late hours. Between editing stories, finding sources, designing pages and the occasional shout-match,...

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Miners rally from 19 to top Hilltoppers

Adrian Broaddus, Sports Editor February 7, 2016

  Earvin Morris scored nine points in overtime as the Texas Western Miners stole the 94-87 win over Western Kentucky in the game that commemorated the 50th anniversary of the 1966 national championship. With 8:47 remaining in the game,...

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A short film: Prickly Elder

Andres Martinez, Multimedia Editor January 26, 2016

Watch as Prickly Elder's bartender Kristy Coss talks about the "original" atmosphere of the new El Paso bar located on 916 N. Mesa Street.

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Prickly Elder is inviting with nostalgic decor

Jose Soto, Entertainment Editor January 26, 2016

It takes some creativity and originality to create a niche bar, especially in a city where the bar scene is growing. But one recently opened location has taken niche to another level.  Opening the door to the Prickly Elder on 916 N. Mesa Street, will...

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The Prospector’s Monday Night Playlist

January 25, 2016

Every Tuesday, The Prospector releases a print edition of our publication. This means a long day of work every Monday that usually carries on into late hours. Between editing stories, finding sources, designing pages and the occasional shout-match,...

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