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Assayer of Student Opinion.

The Prospector

Assayer of Student Opinion.

The Prospector

Assayer of Student Opinion.

The Prospector

 A student browses ’Tinder’ to look for potential dates.

Dating gone mobile: The top dating applications reviewed

Mike Vasquez, Staff Reporter February 9, 2016

Dating and hookup apps are designed to streamline the dating process, allowing us to filter, skim and handpick potential mates, but how well are these apps working realistically? After signing up with four of the most popular hookup mobile applications;...

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To celebrate National Pizza Day on Feb. 9, The Pizza Joint will offer students a free slice of pizza with a valid student I.D.

Local pizzarias embrace El Pasoan’s love for the dish

Julia Hettiger, Staff Reporter February 9, 2016

There is no truer love than pizza, and many local business owners have acted on their love for the dish by opening their own pizza restaurants. National Pizza Day is Feb. 9, and luckily, El Pasoan’s have various choices when ordering the Italian favorite....

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Kopi Coffee located at 205 Cincinnati Ave., is a newly opened coffee shop in the Cincinnati District.

Five local hot spots to take your Valentine

Jose Soto, Entertainment Editor February 9, 2016

Valentine’s Day is rapidly approaching, and some people might find themselves drawing a blank thinking about a place to take their date. Here are five suggestions of some of El Paso’s hotspots that will make Valentine’s Day, or any other day, a...

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Free events celebrate 50th anniversary of the the 1966 NCAA championship

Free events celebrate 50th anniversary of the the 1966 NCAA championship

February 2, 2016

The Road To Glory Celebrating the 50th Anniversary of the 1966 NCAA Men's Basketball Championship A Union Gallery Exhibition January 19-February 26 Reception: Wednesday, Feb. 3, 5 p.m. Union Gallery, Union Bldg. East, 2nd Floor "And the Wheels...

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“The Bourbon and Whiskey Festival” will take place on Feb. 6 at the Sunland Casino Racetrack.

Bourbon and Whiskey Fest to hit the casino

Julia Hettiger, Staff Reporter February 2, 2016

El Paso has had their share of festivals celebrating the many different beers in existence, but the “Bourbon and Whiskey Festival” will be different. The Sunland Park Racetrack and Casino will be hosting a festival celebrating bourbon and whiskey...

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Uknown Mortal Orchestra will perform at the Lowbrow Palace on Friday, Feb 5.

Unknown Mortal Orchestra to play first show at The Lowbrow Palace

Mike Vasquez, Staff Reporter February 2, 2016

The Lowbrow Palace has recently had an influx of popular artists and bands, making it one of the most sought-out venues for music fans here in El Paso.  Unknown Mortal Orchestra, an up-and-coming band in the indie pop scene, is a New Zealand’s psychedelic...

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“Rapture, Death to EDM,” will take place on Feb. 6 in an undisclosed location.

‘Rapture, Death the EDM’ aims to refocus crowd to original rave scene

Jose Soto, Entertainment Editor February 2, 2016

On any given weekend in El Paso, you can find events and clubs playing electronic dance music. 301 Nightlife, The Garden, Hardpop Bundesbar in Ciudad Juárez and many other local hotspots are few of the names where you can expect to hear the musical genre...

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Later, Later is located at 109 N. Coldwell Street right behind the Chihuahua’s Southwest University Stadium.

If you haven’t been to Later, Later, you need to go now, now

Jose Soto, Entertainment Editor February 2, 2016

It’s hard to find a bar in El Paso that is inviting to all walks of life and has such a beautiful view that allows you to enjoy the beauty of the borderland. Or at least it was. Situated in the vintage and historic San Francisco district, Later, Later...

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Mine Tracks of the month: January

Adrian Broaddus, Sports Editor February 1, 2016

The month of January came with mostly highs and only a few woes in the music industry. Throughout the 31 days, we heard new albums, mixtapes and previews for albums. Overall, we were blessed with some great projects to kick-start 2016. Here are some of...

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Prickly Elder is inviting with nostalgic decor

Jose Soto, Entertainment Editor January 26, 2016

It takes some creativity and originality to create a niche bar, especially in a city where the bar scene is growing. But one recently opened location has taken niche to another level.  Opening the door to the Prickly Elder on 916 N. Mesa Street, will...

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"Spirit Animals" is the title of the coloring book illustrated by Carlos Gonzalez.

MindCanvis coloring books promote interactive art

Julia Hettiger, Staff Reporter January 26, 2016

While some may take up exercising or knitting, many have found the old childhood ritual of coloring can be a relaxing way to unwind after a day of stress. Artist Carlos Gonzalez, art director at MindCanvis Publishing, has brought the fun back to coloring...

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Aaron Torres, event coordinator, paints the face of one of the attendees.

Love Buzz hosts first ‘Thursgays’ with ‘Ride The Rainbow’ art event

Mike Vasquez, Staff Reporter January 26, 2016

Love Buzz, a bar located at 3011 Pershing Drive, hosted the first official “Thursgays: Ride the Rainbow.” The night featured an array of local art, comedy and musical performances, including LEZBINATI, a female hip-hop group from El Paso, all geared...

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