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Extreme temperatures in El Paso: What to know

Iziah Moreno
Extreme temperatures are expected this summer in El Paso.

As days of summertime fun approach, it’s important to know how to stay safe in the heatduring triple digit temperatures. According to, times of extreme heat will often result in the highest number of deaths among all weather-related hazards.

If a person is exposed to excessively high temperatures, common heat related illnesses can occur, including heat cramps, heat exhaustion, or heat stroke. While each heat related illness poses a risk to one’s wellbeing at different levels, some illnesses, such as heat strokes, can be the matter of life-or-death scenarios.  

Knowing the signs of heat related illness early on can be the factor that can save a person’s life this summer.

Some common signs of heat related illness include dizziness, tiredness, fainting, and confusion. If signs like these are noticed, it is important to seek medical attention as soon as possible. Although all people are at risk of heat stress related illnesses, the groups that pose the greatest risk are elderly and homeless populations. 

Without a place of their own to seek shelter from the heat, homeless populations are often left to endure the heat and are often left without water as well.

 El Paso resident and UTEP student, Andres Villagrana, expressed his belief that more should be done for these populations that are at a greater risk. 

“Being inside a building without AC is bad, and they (elderly populations) shouldn’t be living in those positions,” said Villagrana. “Maybe we should also give homeless populations more water or make a place for them that provides a lot of shade.”

To help beat the heat, especially with homeless and elderly populations, the City of El Paso and Office of Emergency Management (OEM) has opened five cooling stations across the city, free for the public to visit. 

The following cooling centers are open to the public Monday-Saturday from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. and from 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. on Sunday.

Chalio Acosta Sports Center (4321 Delta) 

Galatzan Recreation Center (650 Wallenberg)

Marty Robbins Recreation Center (11620 Vista Del Sol)

Nations Tobin Sports Center (8831 Railroad) 

Valle Bajo Community Center (7380 Alameda) 

Public libraries across the city will also be open for the community to seek shade.  

Other ways that people can stay protected include drinking plenty of water, wearing lighter loose-fitting clothing, and staying in the shade.

“It’s a common thing here in El Paso (the heat). There’s no escape from it. What you can do is always bring a water bottle, maybe an umbrella, just in case you don’t have any shade” Villagrana said.

Remember, if the warning signs of heat illness are noticed, seek professional medical help, and save a life this summer.

Iziah Moreno is the photo editor and may be reached at [email protected] 

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About the Contributor
Iziah Moreno
Iziah Moreno, Photo Editor
Iziah Moreno is the photo editor for The Prospector. He is a freshman majoring in multimedia journalism with a minor in marketing. After graduation, he hopes to work in the world of photojournalism and media.
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