Working out for the perfect summer body is now coming to an end. Accepting our body’s look is becoming the more acceptable way to enjoy a quick jump in the pool. Having the “perfect body” varies from person to person. There is nothing wrong with choosing to work out or not, but we should all feel comfortable wearing the summer attire we want rather than having to cover up to please societal norms.
As a midsize 20-year-old woman who constantly scrolls through social media, I also have the workout, meal prep, healthy diet, and body goals appearing on my feed, especially during the summer. In the summer of 2022, I decided to go to the gym and work out, though I did love the experience and seeing myself lose weight and have my ideal body, I always felt the stress to keep the weight off. As semesters went by, I knew my weight was changing. My mental health declined as I knew my dream weight was up and my ideal body was not the same anymore.
Before May, I started to follow creators who were also midsized and embraced who they were. I decided that I wanted to be happy with my body, chubby or not.
Now and then, I always feel the urge to go to the gym and work out, but I know deep down I don’t want to. I shouldn’t need to compare my body to someone else even though I do, I realize that I am unique, and my shape does not represent who I am. My personality, morals, and quirks are who I am.
Clothes are not supposed to fit you, you’re supposed to fit into them. This is something I have heard, and it’s changed my perspective. Outgrowing my clothes means I am growing and becoming a better version of myself. Even if my favorite shirt or size eight dress no longer fits, maybe, it will fit someone else, and they can enjoy the clothing I once enjoyed.
Though social media can create a toxic environment for body positivity, step back, and learn to embrace who you are. Wear that bikini, shorts, or anything that makes you happy, even if you are scared to show yourself.
It is important to create a safe environment for yourself. Even if others stare, judge, or make comments, if you feel comfortable and happy with what you are wearing, then that is what truly matters.
Remember, there is no such thing as a perfect weight, height, or body. Go out and enjoy your summer and don’t let other people’s opinions stop you from expressing who you are. If you are experiencing any concerns about your body or mental health, contact UTEP Counseling and Psychological Services at (915) 747-5302 or Go out and live your hot girl, hot guy, or hot they/them summer!
Avery Escamilla-Wendell is the staff reporter and may be reached at or on Instagram @by_avery_escamilla