I started writing this at the beginning of the semester just because I wanted to look back at how I felt and compare it to how I feel now.
Starting Jan. 6, I am sitting in my room trying to take it all in, the semester only a few days away from beginning a workload ahead of me, but I am nowhere near ready to leave college. I have so much waiting for me this semester that I am afraid if I do not appreciate it enough or take the time to realize where I am standing and learning. I have come a long way, from waking up at 4:30 a.m. during my freshman year so I could walk the border and be on time for my 9 a.m. class, to feeling the rattling beat of my heart due to the financial stress I had these four and a half years. Despite all the tears, sweat and late nights, I would not change a thing. I am extremely happy with the choices I made that led me to this moment, I cannot picture my college experience any differently, because in reality, I did not have any expectations, I let life surprise me.
I would have never imagined that I would end up being part of my university’s newspaper, let alone the editor-in-chief of the magazine. I was always full of self-doubts, that I thought I would finish college and feel like I did not accomplish anything in life. Now, a lot of people might think that being part of student media is not that big of a deal, but you have no idea how fulfilling this experience was. Not only does it give you work experience, but it gives you so many great friendships that you will treasure forever. They always say how the friends in college are the ones you keep forever and I thought they were lying, until I met my shawties.
Itzel, Anahy, Emily, Vicky, Victoria, Hugo and Annabella, thank you so much for being such good friends and impacting my life in ways you cannot even imagine. I will treasure every moment together, every gossip, laughter and tears. Please know that I will always root for you and your dreams. Meagan, Fatima, Katrina, Emmanuel, Marco, thank you for being not only coworkers but friends, I wish I would have met you sooner, I truly enjoyed losing our marbles together on production days. Also, huge thank you to every single one of you guys who went out of their way to give me a ride so I would not walk in the dark. You have no idea how much that means to me. Thank you so much. Erik, Avery, Angelica, Catching, Eugenio, Jasmin, Nico, Eli, Joel, Jose, Gianluca, SalmaPaola, I know you will continue to do an amazing job and make The Prospector something students look up to.
Tracy, I hope you are reading this issue. I am also so grateful for having met you, you left an impact and helped me so much to grow as a writer and professional, I will always be thankful for that.
Shout out to our former Editor-in -Chief, Julian Herrera, who hired me for my “vibes” almost two years ago, I would not be here if he did not see my potential, thank you.
Vero, I will never stop thanking you for literally everything. Not only did you give me a job, but you gave me the opportunity to meet amazing people. You continue to be a great mentor and someone I can rely on and trust. I will miss our long talks about life and I hope you miss them too; I also hope I do not disappoint you with any future love decision making.
Isa, my only daughter friend, thank you for all the conversations that we had, and for allowing me to find someone I can see myself in. I will always cherish the laughs that we shared and the tears I shed at your office table. You are one of the best people I have ever met, and I will always remember you. Thank you for being such an amazing supporter and coffee companion.
Amy, thank you so much for dealing with us, I know we can be quite a handful, but we appreciate everything you do for us. From standing in the cold handing out paper, to gossiping with us. Thank you for always greeting me with a smile whenever I come into the office, may the world always smile back at you.
Crystal, I know we had only a few months to know each other but I would like to thank you for taking the lead role we needed when we felt lost. I know the publication will continue to grow with you guiding us. Thank you for comforting me at my lowest and for all the help you have provided outside of work. I truly appreciate you.
I would like to thank my parents for their patience with me, I know I was not easy to deal with these past four almost five years, yet you were always my number one supporters. Mamá y papá, espero lo que hago los llene de orgullo y que algún día pueda pagarles todo lo que han hecho por mí. Nunca podré terminar de agradecerles por todo el amor que me dan y por brindarme la oportunidad de trabajar por mis sueños, espero y algún día logremos todo lo que nos propusimos juntos. Todo lo que soy es gracias a ustedes.
Now, finalizing this before publication for May 2, I cannot believe I am a few days away from walking the stage and receiving my degree. It is still a very surreal feeling that I wish I was more prepared for. The uncertainty of the future is scary, but I can at least rest assured my time at UTEP was something I enjoyed and loved.
I believe joining student media was the best decision I have ever made, and it was one that made UTEP better. I will be forever grateful to the people I met and for the opportunities provided by the department. I would also like to congratulate everyone graduating this semester; I am proud of all of you and wish you the best in life.
I strongly encourage everyone to read the paper and the magazine, you guys have no idea how much love and dedication goes into the creation of each issue.
I am sure by reading student-led publications you will see the borderland and UTEP community differently and fall in love with it just like I did.
Maria L. Guerrero Duran was the web and copy editor and may not be reached at [email protected], nor @bymariaguerrero on Instagram.