Ever since I can remember I have always wanted to be a writer, reporter or news anchor and I never thought I would get the chance to do any of that professionally during my college years. As I enter my senior year at UTEP, I realize the opportunity I have as editor-in-chief of The Prospector and everything that has come with it.
Joining back in the fall of 2021, I did not think I would get to this point so quickly. Having started as a staff reporter to audience and engagement editor to multimedia editor to now editor-in-chief, it seemed to fly by. I swear, it was only yesterday that I was just sitting in my high school yearbook class realizing how much I loved the world of journalism and how I was going to change the future of it.
Being appointed to this role and taking on the challenge of leading a group of fellow multi-talented students was enough to feel like crying in the corner; which was tempting but, thanks to the great support system and staff I have, I know this is a rollercoaster ride I never want to get off.
Being here at “The Prospy” has been a joy and I know it will continue to be so but, in this new era I hope to guide my staff as so many have helped guide me. Majoring in multimedia journalism with a minor in creative writing, I know my skills do not make me perfect but, they make me someone who is ready to lead, learn and succeed.
I hope to bring The Prospector into a new light with more breaking news, stories that have never been told before and media pieces you will not forget about. Being a major news source for the student body, it is a goal of mine to make sure The Prospector remains to be that while also becoming the number one news source for others in the UTEP community.
In my time here with my past positions I have helped establish a stronger name for us, whether that be updating our social media accounts to our Prospector Podcast or writing stories the community loves to read, I hope to continue that momentum. However, getting to this point would not have been possible without my predecessors and I cannot write this piece without saying thank you for giving me the chance to start and grow into a better journalist.
Along with them, I thank every single person who has walked in and out of the doors of the Student Media Publications office; as many of you all have gone to fulfill your dreams post-graduation, you all have been such a vital part of me getting to where I am now and where I hope to be. Thank you, Anahy, Victoria, Emily, Victoria (Nicole), Annabella, Hugo and Maria for being the first people to listen to me when I walked through these doors, for reminding me I can run a newsroom and for being some of the best friends anyone could ask for.
Of course, going to college and joining The Prospector would not have been possible if it were not for the love and support of my family. To my mom, dad, grandmas, grandpas, and everyone in between, I hope to make you proud even from up above. Espero estén orgullosos de mí, los quiero siempre.
To my staff, this will be a great ride, and I am honored to be there with you all and to guide each one of you into becoming better journalists than when you joined.
Now, I know there are a few concerned that the paper would become a Harry Styles publication, but rest assured, The Prospector will stay “Golden.”
Itzel Giron is the editor-in-chief and may be reached at [email protected]; @by.itzel.giron on Instagram; @itzel_anahi_16 on Twitter.