An unidentified female wearing the uniform of the food service department on campus, Sodexo, was wheeled out from the third floor of the Union East and taken by EMTs Tuesday at around 1 p.m. This happened during a clerical luncheon which was held on the same floor of the Union East. The female seemed to be short of breathe and appeared to be panicking. Neither Sodexco nor UTEP police would comment on the incident
Female wheeled out from Union Building by EMTs
About the Contributor

Jose Soto, Staff Reporter
Jose Soto is a multimedia journalism major with a minor in creative writing. He joined The Prospector team in November of 2013 as an entertainment reporter. Jose previously wrote fashion blogs for various mediums. He has since written about musical performances, restaurant reviews, artist features and writes occasional columns. In addition to writing for the Prospector, Jose also writes for Minero Magazine and for The City Magazine. A fan of prose and lyricism, he also writes material on his personal time. A musical enthusiasts as well, he strives to keep a broad music library and hopes to write music reviews while transitioning into news reporting as well. He also highly enjoys coffee, reading a good book and dining out. Jose plans to pursue a career with The New York Times, The Denver Post or NPR.
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