Post-graduation employment may be lingering in the back of many students’ minds this semester. To help with the job search, the University Career Center will host a number of job fairs including two on Feb. 6 and 7.
The fairs will host employers looking for students in the fields of liberal arts, business, science and engineering. In an increasingly digital job-hunt, experts say that it is events like these that can lead to a new career.
“Students like to go on websites and apply, but that personal touch of actually meeting a recruiter face-to-face goes a long way, especially if they make a good impression,” said Betsy Castro-Duarte, interim director of the career center. “Recruiters can keep an eye out for when (students) apply online.”
The first career fair is aimed at business and liberal arts majors. Employers such as the U.S. Department of State, GEICO and the City of Dallas Police Department will be seeking students preparing to graduate this semester.
The second day of the fair is aimed at students in STEM fields with companies such as General Motors, Western Refining and Texas Instruments looking for potential hires.
After the liberal arts fair there will be a special session with resumé aid and mock interviews for enrolled veterans.
Students attending the fair should dress professionally and bring multiple copies of resumés or curriculum vitae.
The University Career Center is rollingout an ambitious schedule of events alongside several new initiatives.
In addition to the standard menu of services offered, the opening of an interview clothing closet is a new project planned to launch in February.
The Career Closet will have a variety of coats, ties and other interview appropriate clothing available for students without access or the means to obtain them.
It is recommended that students register for the job fair on Jobmine, available via the UCC website.
For more information about the job fair, career center or Jobmine, visit
S. David Ramirez may be reached at