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El Paso is shining with the colors of the rainbow

Joel Molina
Display in the San Jacinto Plaza, celebrating the month of June which is recognized as pride month.

Nationally, June is the month to celebrate love, and the many different forms it comes in. With the Franklin Mountain star gleaming with the colors of the rainbow, pride month in the borderland celebrates the LGTBQ+ community in El Paso.

Throughout the month of June, organizations are holding different family friendly and 18+ events to cherish the queer community.

Sun City Pride, one of El Paso’s LGBTQ+ organizations, has June loaded with events. For Chihuahua’s fans, “Out at The Park: Chihuahua’s Pride Night” will be held on June 20 at Southwest University Park. June 22 is when Pridefest 2024 will be held at Ascarate Park. Finally, one of the most anticipated events is the Sun City Pride Parade, which will be held June 29 downtown.

Additionally, businesses are hosting game/trivia nights at their locations to continue pride month festivities. Like Dave & Buster’s “Trivia Tuesdays” is showing its support to the LGTBQ+ community by hosting a pride edition on June 25. Downtown, Dillinger’s Bar is having “Joteria Sundays” with a new theme each week including Pride Out on June 30.

On June 28, the cycling group Critical Mass El Paso is hosting a “Pride Ride” to support the queer community in a biking fashion at San Jacinto Plaza.

With many ways to celebrate pride month, UTEP student Areli Grajeda said there is more open-mindedness than before towards people who are LGTBQ+. 

“(Pride month) celebrates people’s differences, back then it used to be so frowned upon but now it’s more (accepted),” Grajeda said. “(However), I think (Hispanic households) are more open to it because it’s much more common to see it now.”

UTEP student Hilse Maldonado said that older generation Hispanics are getting rid of their traditional thinking to help support the newer generations who are expressing their identity.

“Since they are really traditionally raised, like older generations, (I think) its why they don’t really agree with those views,” Maldonado said. “As we (the new generation) grow up we are discovering new things and we are trying to teach our parents, so they are more open now.”

These events help raise money to help LGTBQ+ based organizations continue their work along the Borderland. On their websites, organizations ask for donations from El Pasoans. For example, PFLAG El Paso, Paso del Norte OUT Fund, and Borderland Rainbow Center are several on the organizations one can donate in. Sun City Pride and Borderland Rainbow Center are asking for donations as well for their food drive that will feed families in need.

As June is underway, one of the missions of pride month is to be accepting of everyone. But not only does the LGTBQ+ community celebrate the different types of love this month, but throughout the year. 

Sofia Sierra is the web and copy editor and may be reached at [email protected].

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About the Contributors
Sofia Sierra
Sofia Sierra, Web/Copy Editor
Sofia is a junior studying multimedia journalism with a minor in creative writing. She is the web and copy editor at The Prospector. After graduation, she hopes to work outside of El Paso to continue to grow as a writer.
Joel Molina
Joel Molina, Contributor/Photographer
Joel is a graduate creative writing student at the University of Texas at El Paso. He is a photo contributor and began his career at The Prospector in 2022. He hopes to continue providing the world and its people with different forms of storytelling that will hopefully make their day to day lives better.
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